Play Your Cards Right- Become a trauma-informed care “ACE” Therapist!

Guest Blogger: Emily Zeman

We need to presume the clients we serve have a history of traumatic stress and exercise “universal precautions” by creating systems of care that are trauma-informed.” (Hodas, 2005).

Did you know:

47.9% of children report one or more adverse childhood experience (ACE), or a traumatic event, at some point in their lifetime, as well as over 60% of adults seeking health care services!

If we are to fully serve children or adult clients, using a trauma-informed care (TIC) approach should be our default. This is not (as commonly thought) a socioeconomic issue as it can and does affect people at every economic level/race/religion, etc.

First, what is trauma?

Trauma includes a sense of fear, helplessness, or horror after exposure to a psychologically distressing event where the person has inadequate internal or external resources to cope with an external threat. There are many adverse experiences that could lead to trauma such as:

  • abuse (physical, emotional, sexual)
  • neglect (physical, emotional)
  • parent substance abuse or mental illness
  • socioeconomic hardship
  • family member incarceration, divorce, the death of a loved one
  • witnessing domestic violence or a natural disaster.

To utilize our holistic skill set in delivering client-centered care, therapists want to consider a full client history, and upon finding out about traumatic event(s), engage in these following actions from a trauma-informed approach:

  • Realize the prevalence of trauma (develop screening measures, form community partnerships, and take a good client history!)
  • Recognize how trauma affects all individuals involved with the client, program, organization or system
  • Respond by putting this knowledge into everyday practice, including developing thorough outcome measurement management systems

Core Principles of a Trauma-Informed System of Care:

  • Safety – ensuring physical and emotional safety, by conducting yourself with non-threatening body presentation and calm voice
  • Trustworthiness – maintaining appropriate boundaries while building rapport, and making tasks clear
  • Choice – prioritizing client’s meaningful choices and control (people want choices and options; for people who have had control taken away, having small choices makes a big difference)
  • Collaboration– maximizing collaboration by encouraging clients to connect with their friends and family for support while providing evidence-based (EBP) interventions
  • Stay curious
  • Offer hope

Health professionals are considered mandated reporters. Always report suspected abuse and follow the protocols at your site.   

How do you assess trauma and/or modify your treatments as you become informed about a trauma? Please offer us your thoughts!


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, April 4). Essentials for childhood framework: Steps to create safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children. Retrieved from: /essentials.html

  1. SAMHSA.for definitions of trauma and trauma-informed care; (n.d.) SAMHSAfor prevalence figures.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (n.d.) Types of traumatic stress. Retrieved from:


New Online CEU Course for Athletic Trainers


Announcing our new Online Course:

Course Speaker:Christina Finn 

This dynamic series will help clinicians apply the latest research on diagnosis and management of concussion and post concussion syndrome. Focus is on the latest relevant assessment and treatment strategies for adults and children with prolonged visual, vestibular and sensory complaints as a result of concussion. Clinicians will learn effective treatment strategies to improve visual skills, balance and sensory integration for optimal return to school, work, and sports. Participants will engage in lab and interactive clinical problem solving via group case analysis and discussion.
The new online series, will help athletic trainers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, assistants, neuropsychologists, and vocational rehab specialists improve functional outcomes for their patients and clients, of all ages, who suffer from post-concussion syndrome.

Four Dynamic Online Sessions Recorded live:
Recorded live, this online series includes advanced, in-depth training, case discussion, and lab practice.

The team at Education Resources is also excited to announce the launch of our 

Post Concussion Syndrome – Therapeutic Strategies
Discussion Group

Education Resources offers Category A CEUs for Athletic Trainers for both live and online programs. This continued participation in the BOC Approved Provider Program means that athletic trainers can participate in our courses and receive CEUs.

We offer live courses on concussion management, vestibular and balance issues, taping, TBI, and other outpatient and rehab diagnoses.
Please click here for a listing of our relevant courses

If you are an athletic trainer we want to hear from you!

Please call or e-mail us to request a particular topic and/or location for a course.

Join our Mailing List to receive relevant approved courses coming to your area



NEW NDT Course from Renowned Speaker Jackie Grimenstein

Jackie Grimenstein has been one of ERI’s long time respected Faculty Members, and we are thrilled to be able to offer you her NEW course:

Jackie Grimenstein - ERIUtilizing NDT in Pediatric Practice

April 14-15, 2018 – Coon Rapids, MN
September 29-30, 2018 – Pueblo, CO

Begin your journey into the world of NDT or expand your current knowledge with this course that will enhance your knowledge to the benefits of using NDT to treat the child with neurologic impairments and other pediatric disorders across the lifespan.  We will discuss the importance of practice of movement patterns and importance of integrating into daily activities utilizing fun and practical activities.  Facilitation strategies for improved movement patterns and how to look at all aspects of the child to assess the primary area to address in treatment will be presented utilizing didactic, video and hands on lab format.  Comfortable clothing for movement labs is recommended.  This course is designed for the physical therapist, occupational therapist or speech & language pathologist. This course is very attractive to clinicians who seek a better understanding of the NDT practice model and the use of handling and facilitation to enhance function. Course material will focus on basic concepts of theory, assessment and treatment of the child with cerebral palsy and disorders of the neuro-motor system. The course will include extensive lab sessions and case studies to reinforce didactic information.

The continuing education hours obtained at this course qualify toward NDTA re-certification.

Jackie  is a member of NDTA where she is a PT instructor. She has spent her career treating children with neurological impairments with an emphasis on children
with severe disabilities. She has practiced in a wide variety of settings including rehab, the NICU and over 30 years within school settings. She was a founding steering committee member of the International Pediatric Rehab Collaborative (IPRC) that assisted with the re-standardization the WeeFim and a member of their Outcomes and Best Practices committee. She is on the Board of Directors for NDTA as well as the conference planning committee, the Centers of Excellence committee, the Instructor Group Executive Committee and writes for the NDTA Network. 

Join our mailing list here to learn more


NEW course for Pediatric Therapists – Ataxia, Autism and NDT

ERI is happy to announce that we are adding a new course to our extensive library of courses for the pediatric therapist. Designed and presented by our distinguished faculty member Gail Ritchie with new Faculty member Brenda Lindsay.

Ataxia, Autism, NDTAtaxia, Autism and NDT

This 2-day intensive workshop focuses on treating the child diagnosed with ataxia, or autism spectrum disorders. This course is relevant to Physical and Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists and their assistants, working with children of all ages that are diagnosed with neuromuscular movement disorders or autism spectrum disorders. Current research is finding that pediatric cerebellar dysfunction presents as complex involvement affecting sensory-motor, affective, communicative and cognitive function.  Course content will cover various examples of how children with these impairments might present during familial, academic or community participation.

Treatment principles will focus on the posture and movement system impairments and contextual factors that affect balance, posture and mobility of children with cerebellar involvement.  Video presentations will be used to identify subtle motoric qualities that are indicative of cerebellar dysfunction.  It is recommended that participants have knowledge of contemporary NDT terminology and treatment principles to maximize potential benefit from this course.

Don’t miss this opportunity:

April 7-8, 2018 – Hartford, CT
Please click here for full course information, to download a brochure or to register.


SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT – Michelle Anderson Haas


ERI Faculty - Miki Anderson Haas

We are so thrilled to welcome Miki Anderson Haas PT, DPT as a new ERI faculty member. She has a passion for treating and educating others on her approach to treating the all-encompassing multi-trauma patient population, and we are excited to share this passion with our ERI community of therapists working in acute care, the ICU and with critically ill patients.

She received her Masters and subsequent Doctoral Degree in Physical Therapy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  She is a practicing physical therapist in Acute Care with over 10+ years experience at a Level I Trauma Center with the majority of her time spent in the ICU setting.  Serving as the Lead Therapist of Critical Care Medicine for 8 years, she has dedicated her career to program development and education of not only therapists, but also the entire multi-professional team involved with patients who are or have been critically ill.  She assisted in the development and implementation of two specialized hospital teams with a strong focus on coordination and optimization of care that have achieved improved outcomes for patients who are critically ill.  She has experience teaching about the role of PT and OT in the intensive care units to audiences at the national, state, and local levels, while also assisted in teaching the acute care curriculum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for 10+ years. 

ERI is excited to bring you to Miki’s dynamic course – NEW for 2018: 

Critically Thinking Through the Critically Ill 
April 7-8, 2018 – CentraState Medical Center , Monroe, NJ
June 15-16, 2018 – Osceola Regional Medical Center, Kissimmee, FL
September 28-29, 2018 – Summa Health, Akron, OH
November 2-3, 2108 – TBA

Please click on the link above for detailed course information, to download a brochure and to register.

Join our ERI Community
