ERI Offers New Post-Concussion Syndrome Online CEU Course

Post Concussion Syndrome Online CEU Course


We are extremely thrilled to bring you the latest in our series of online courses.

The new online series, launching in January 2018, will help physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, assistants, athletic trainers, neuropsychologists, and vocational rehab specialists improve functional outcomes for their patients and clients, of all ages, who suffer from post-concussion syndrome.

For more information and CEU details or to register please visit:
Post Concussion Online Series
or call the office at 800-487-6530.

Researcher, post-concussion syndrome expert, and clinician Christina Finn MS, OTR/L teaches the series through case studies, demonstrations, extensive directed lab practice, and lecture.

“This was an excellent course based on current research and evidence based practice. Great information presented in a clear, concise manner. I would definitely recommend this course for anyone working with concussion patients/clients.”-A. Crawford, SLP

Course topics include:

  • The Concussion Crisis: Diagnosis and Management
  • Concussion: Impact on Visual/Vestibular/Sensory Systems and Overview of Treatment
  • Strategies and Techniques for Transitioning back to School, Work and Sports
  • Visual and Vestibular Impairments: Evaluation and Intervention Tools

There is a national awareness about the growing number of people suffering from post-concussion syndrome and the growing impact it has on function. This online series provides an in-depth collaborative approach for physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, their assistants, and athletic trainers to support clients and patients diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome. In addition to learning tools and strategies for their respective discipline, all course participants will learn how to intervene in unique circumstances, learn how to support return to school, play and work in accordance with national guidelines, and learn how to guide parents.

Healthcare professionals may access the series for an entire year to hone their skills and sharpen their decision-making at their convenience. Participants will receive downloadable handouts and may earn seven continuing education hours upon completing the series.

Christina Finn - ERI Faculty MemberChristina Finn MS, OTR/L graduated from the University of Scranton in 2004 with a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy and is currently an assistant professor of occupational therapy at the New York Institute of Technology in Westbury, NY where she teaches classes in physical rehabilitation and motor learning. Prior to attaining a full-time faculty position, Christina worked at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine at NYU Medical Center in New York City for 10 years. She has advanced training in vision therapy and holds a certification in adult vestibular rehabilitation. Christina has experience in all areas of rehabilitation across the spectrum of care, including acute care, inpatient, and outpatient rehabilitation. She lectures nationally and has developed competencies for training staff in management of concussion/mild traumatic brain injury and for management of visual perceptual deficits.

Celebrating 30 years of life-changing learning, ERI provides courses that remind you why you became a therapist. And why you love what you do. Learn skills you’ll use right away, through hands-on learning, both live and online, it’s about improving outcomes – by improving patient care. We strive to be your Preferred Provider – your go-to source for all of your continuing education needs.

Any questions:


Looking for CEU Courses in Texas in 2018? ERI offers Quality Education by Renowned Faculty

Let Us Help You Education Resources inc CEU courses in Texas
Grow Professionally!

EDUCATION RESOURCES is committed to ensuring class participants learn effective techniques and critical problem solving skills that can be immediately applied to the work setting.

Improve Outcomes by Improving Patient Care

Education Resources provides continuing education that can truly make a difference for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapists assistants, and Speech Language Pathologists and their patients.

Our distinguished and world renowned faculty are leaders in their field, and provide clinically relevant, evidence based, dynamic and engaging CEU courses.

Please click here for a listing of evidence based courses coming to Texas in 2018


How Physical Therapists Select Continuing Competency Activities

Post submitted by Barbara Goldfarb, MS, PT Vice President ERI

Yes, that is the question we wanted to find out from you! What topics do you want to learn more about? How do you choose what courses and the type of courses you go to?

Do you prefer live or on-line courses?

As luck would have it, the fsbpt (Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy) recently did a survey which they just published, giving us some answers.

Most participants in this study preferred live (weekend) courses to gain either minimal or advanced competencies, followed closely by online or on-demand courses. They rated both as being very effective in maintaining minimal or achieving advance competence.

That made us very pleased as we try to give you the choice of learning via either modality. Our live courses give you the chance to network, share treatment ideas with colleagues, and talk directly to the instructor. Many are designed to be small, with hands-on learning and clinical problem solving.

Our on-line courses are very different from the “cookie cutter” one or two-hour courses you typically see. They are filmed “live” and give you the feeling of being in the room, which is a far cry from the “death by PowerPoint” courses offered elsewhere.  From gaining acute care skills, to learning the latest guidelines for concussion, these online courses can be viewed conveniently from your home or at work (lunchtime popcorn anyone?)

The fsbpt survey also asked PTs and PTAs how they choose topics. No surprises here…people choose to pursue topics that they are personally interested in or that help them gain a professional or personal goal, rather than a licensure requirement or employer mandated topic.

This is a wonderful confirmation that PTs and PTAs are professionally motivated to pursue continuing competencies whether or not their particular state requires CEUs for re-licensure. We suspected as much, but now we know it for sure!


HAPPY NEW YEAR – Holiday Coupon Extended to January 3rd 2018

2018 CEUs

From Education Resources

To give you a little more time in choosing those valuable CEUs we have extended our deadline for our Holiday Coupon

Wishing our Community of Therapists
Peace Happiness and Joy for the upcoming year
We would like to offer a $50 discount toward any conference fee
Register now through January 3rd 2018
Apply code: HOLIDAYS2017

Let Education Resources help you fulfill your professional development and continuing education requirements with our comprehensive selection of dynamic courses in 2017.

Including many NEW courses and distinguished faculty members 

Not to be used in combination with other discounts or course credits. Non-Transferable. Only one discount may be used per conference. Must be applied at time of registration, not for conferences previously registered for. Not for online courses

You can register online, call the office or fax in your registration.
Just mention the code! 

Please call, email or visit our website with any questions 

Please click here for our full listing of courses

Thank you



ERI Faculty Melissa Gerber Melissa Gerber OTD, OTR/L[/caption]

Melissa K. Gerber, OTD, OTR/L is a seasoned and respected clinician with extensive experience in pediatrics.

She began her career in inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation and acute care. Currently, she has been working for the Great Neck Public Schools for the past 19 years.

She is president of 4MYKIDSOT, a private practice where she provides therapy and evaluations. Dr. Gerber has presented at Education Resources, Therapies in the Schools on Visual Processing: Treat, Remediate, Refer. She is enthusiastic to share her experiences and provide strategies that can be incorporated immediately. She completed her masters and doctorate degrees from Quinnipiac University while working full time in the schools.

We were honored to have Melissa speak at our annual Therapies in the School conference for the last two years and am more than pleased to welcome her as a permanent faculty member.

Welcome Melissa!

Her new course will be offered on multiple occasions through 2018:
Visual Processing, Visual Perception and Visual-Motor Skills
March 23-24, 2018 – Hamden, CT
May 4-5, 2018 – Pearland, TX
October 5-6, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA
November 3-4, 2018 – Bridgeville, PA
December 8-9, 2018 – Robbinsdale, MN

This workshop will help the therapist determine when they are able to address visual issues within their setting, (including schools, acute care, rehab and LTC facilities) and when they need to refer for further medical attention. It will arm therapists with intervention tools and strategies to optimize function. It will focus on the visual system and how various diagnoses can present with different visual difficulties in both children and adults. We will discuss how to assess for visual processing and visual deficits as well as determining treatment and/or remediation. Case studies will emphasize clinical problem solving and decision making for visual processing, visual perception and visual-motor skills.

To download a brochure and to register

We also offer Melissa’s Online Course:
Visual Processing/Visual Deficits Treat, Remediate, Compensate, Refer?
This session will highlight visual processing skills and how they impact the student in the classroom. It will discuss when its appropriate to treat, remediate or compensate and when its time to refer the student for further testing.

And watch for her new online sessions  – available in early 2018!
