Looking for Ohio PT CEUs?

 Just a gentle reminder 🙂 

If you are a physical therapist licensed in Ohio, Ohio PT CEUs from ERI
your renewal is due by January 31st 2018

We wanted to make you aware of these courses coming to Ohio prior to the deadline. 

Applications have been made/approved by the Ohio Physical Therapy Association


Advanced Clinical Practice in the NICU
Beth McManus
October 6-7, 2017 – Indianapolis, IN (OHPT Approval)

The Pediatric Brain: Functional Neuroanatomy the Visual-Vestibular System and Treatment Applications
Janine Wiskind
October 28-29, 2017 – Cincinnati, OH

Praxis: Evaluation and Treatment of the Clumsy Child
Barbara Connolly
November 3-4, 2017 – Sylvania, OH

Vestibular Therapy for the School-Aged Child and Adolescent
Inger Bueckner
December 1-2, 2017 – Oregon, OH

Baby Beats and Breaths:  Therapeutic Interventions for the Premature Infant with Cardiopulmonary Compromise
Holly Schifsky
January 19-20, 2017 – Akron, OH

Please click on the individual titles above for course description and schedule, CEU information, to download a brochure and for registration details.

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Celebrating 30 years of life-changing learning, ERI provides courses that remind you why you became a therapist. And why you love what you do. Learn skills you’ll use right away, through hands-on learning, both live and online, it’s about improving outcomes – by improving patient care. We strive to be your Preferred Provider – your go-to source for all of your continuing education needs.


Case Report – Developing Overhand Throwing Skills for a Child With Autism With a Collaborative Approach in School-Based Therapy


We would like to share this Case Report authored by
Colebourn, Jennifer A. PT, DPT, MS; Golub-Victor, Ann C. PT, DPT, MPH; Paez, Arsenio PT, DPT, MS, CEIS published in:

Pediatric Physical Therapy: July 2017 – Volume 29 – Issue 3 – p 262–269

A case report featuring a multi-disciplinary school-based intervention to improve motor performance and physical activity participation in a child with autism spectrum disorder.

Purpose: This case report presents an interdisciplinary approach in school-based therapy, combining physical therapy and applied behavior analysis to improve the motor skills and the participation in recreational activities of a child with autism spectrum disorder.

Methods: A 9-year-old child with autism spectrum disorder participated in a 20-week gross motor intervention designed to improve the child’s overhand throwing ability, which included weekly physical therapy instruction and daily throwing trials using applied behavior analysis approaches.

Results: The child demonstrated gains in throwing accuracy, significant gains on measures of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2, the Test of Gross Motor Development-2, and the School Function Assessment.

Conclusion: This unique approach in school-based therapy demonstrates effective strategies for a multidisciplinary intervention to improve motor learning skills and participation in recreational activities in the school setting.

Click here for access to the full article. (you will need to be logged in as an APTA member to gain access)

Don’t miss hearing Jennifer Colebourn speak at our annual
Therapies in The School Conference
November 16-17, 2017 – Framingham, MA
“Using Evidence to Help Guide Decisions on Goals, Dosage, Frequency, Priorities and Interventions for Motor Issues in Autism”

Click here for full course details, CEU information, to download a brochure, and for registration information.



Celebrating World PT Day – Why Did you become a PT?

As the World Confederation of Physical Therapy celebrates PT’s the world over, we would like to join them and recognize our community of physical therapists, and promote the idea of a global physical therapy community.

Please tell us what motivated you to become a PT? What do you love about being a PT?

Tell us your story below (in the comments section), and share with our community.
