EXHIBITOR AND SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES at our Popular School Based Conference 2017


Eighteenth Annual
THERAPIES in the SCHOOL Conference
November 15 -16 -17, 2017
Framingham, MA

Looking to be a Sponsor or to Exhibit?

There is no better way to reach school therapists A NEW Opportunity to Exhibit at our Pre-conference in 2017

There is no better way to reach school based personnel than to showcase your relevant products and services at this popular  annual conference, “Therapies in the School”.

For many years, this conference has attracted key decision makers in disciplines such as occupational, physical, and speech therapy, psychology, teaching, and special education from all over the U.S. and Canada.   The pre- conference on November 15 attracts approximately 300 special educators, teachers, psychologists and school based therapists to learn a program “The Zones of Regulation”, which provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses. The “Therapies in the School” annual conference on November 16-17 continues the learning with another 300 school based therapists (OT, PT and SLP). The course content focuses on aligning motor needs with educational needs, and how to improve executive function in children who are receiving therapy services in the school setting. Strategies to reduce anxiety and problem behaviors in the classroom, as well as the latest advances in technology to address cognitive deficits and executive skills, are discussed. We are now pleased to offer multiple levels of sponsorship opportunities.
We hope to see you at this year’s conference.

Limited Availability so Reserve Early!

We look forward to seeing you at this year’s conference!


Premium Level
Complimentary Guest Registration (1) to attend the conference and earn CEUs if applicable. 

We offer a buffet breakfast on each morning of the conference,
a wonderful opportunity for participants to network.

Lunch (limited to three sponsors)
Our participants enjoy a sit-down luncheon to reconnect and
network with colleagues on the last day of the conference.

Coffee Break (multiple opportunities available)
Our participants do not go hungry!
We offer breaks on each day. 

Other Sponsorship Opportunities Customized to Suit your Needs

Please contact me with any questions 
Mandy: mwashington@educationresourcesinc.com 508 359 6533 800-487-6530


Therapist Survey: Enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card

Share your thoughts and help us shape the future of continuing education.
What do you love about our courses? Where can we improve?
Share your opinions and let us know what makes a CEU course truly rewarding
for you as a therapist.

Visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TherapistPanel
Be sure to submit your contact info at the end of the survey to enter to win a
$100 Amazon.com gift card.

Thank You from the entire Education Resources team


Last Chances to Attend Advanced NICU course

Beth McManus[/caption]

We are sad to announce that a much loved and respected member of our faculty; Beth McManus is taking a break from teaching for a while to spend time with her family.

Beth recently spoke at the National Association of Neonatal Therapists (NANT) annual conference and was extremely well received by all.

We are honored that she will be teaching 3 more dates for us this year, and we want to make sure that you don’t miss them:

Advanced Clinical Practice in the NICU
June 9-10, 2017 – Pittsburgh, PA

October 6-7, 2017 – Indianapolis, IN
November 3-4, 2017 – San Leandro, CA

This intermediate-advanced course will focus on clinical decision-making for medically and developmentally complex patients in the NICU and transition to home and EI. Emphasis will be on in-depth knowledge of pathophysiology of common NICU diagnoses and special populations; choice and interpretation of evaluation tools and evidence-based therapeutic interventions, implementing developmentally supportive oral feeding interventions, and transition to post-NICU care. Labs and video case analysis to allow attendees to integrate course material for complex clinical decisions around behavioral, developmental and feeding intervention.

Please click here for full course details, to download brochures or to register. 

On behalf of all our community of therapists we would like to thank Beth for sharing her knowledge, experience and skills with us.

We wish Beth all the very best, and will stay in touch with her.


Congratulations to the Winners of our NANT Conference Raffle

I am happy to announce that Nancy from CA, and Linda from OH were chosen as our winners from the raffle we held at last weeks NANT 7 conference (National Association of Neonatal Therapists)


We randomly chose names from all of the therapists who opted to join our email list. Nancy and Linda will each win a two day live course of their choosing.

We were lucky enough to be able to speak to many neonatal therapists – but would love to hear from all of you and welcome all thoughts and ideas for new topics, speakers and potential venues.


NANT 7 – Amazing Experience for all Neonatal Therapists


Carol and I have just returned from an absolutely amazing few days surrounded by almost 500 passionate, dedicated and influential neonatal therapists.

We heard their needs, their suggestions and their thoughts for the future and were consumed with their absolute devotion to their babies and parents.

As professional partners with NANT (the National Association of Neonatal Therapists) we were honored to attend their annual conference in Phoenix. Three full days listening to experts in the field of feeding, research, advanced clinical reasoning….. and the support of our most fragile population.

We were privileged to be able to spend time with many, discuss CEU needs, hear the excitement and need to bring new faculty and courses to their facilities, but also to hear about frustrations and how they want to bring about change. We admire the absolute passion and drive.

[caption id="attachment_4120" align="alignright" width="169"] Carol Loria with Roberta Pineda[/caption]

We spent time with some of our own dedicated faculty members and were excited to speak to potential new speakers (watch this space!) about new content and ideas for new courses. 

Our deepest congratulations to Sue Ludwig and her dedicated team for the inspiration and support of this specialized, dedicated group of therapists

Carol and I came away with new found friends, and with a desire to be able to provide for the needs of these wonderful therapists.

For those of you who were there……. stay tuned …. we will be announcing the winners of our raffle very shortly 🙂
