NEW Pediatric Strength Training Course for Therapists Coming To Illinois and New York

Pediatric strength trainingDon’t miss our NEW Pediatric Course: “Positive Functional Outcomes Through Strength Training in Children with Developmental Disabilities”, with respected clinician and dynamic instructor Bobby Nabeyama, PT, DPT, MS coming to:

Illinois – August 26-27, 2016

New York – November 5-6, 2016

With further dates being scheduled for 2017.

Most children with disabilities and motor impairments have strength deficits and weakness-related impairments.  These strength deficits correlate or directly interfere with their functional level and participation across multiple environments including at home and school.  This seminar with focus on how to best apply available literature into clinical and educational practice for optimal outcomes.  Through practice, extensive case problem analysis and discussion, participants will learn best practices in data driven, scientific based interventions for strength, endurance, and function.  This seminar will encourage the success of children with special needs and set up high standards in outcomes.  

This course will help therapists set realistic goals, prioritize treatment and implement successful programs for children with disabilities including cerebral palsy, multiply handicapped, obesity, chronic orthopedic conditions, and autism from preschool through school age, adolescence, and towards adulthood.

Please click here for full course details, to download a brochure or to register


PT needs your help! 3yr Old with ASD Lacking Safety Awareness


We received this question from one of the school therapists in our community, she would like to hear your thoughts and experiences:

I am a physical therapist working in early intervention. One of my client is a 3 year old boy with ASD . Recently we noticed that if we take him to the park he is unaware of his surroundings. He will not avoid obstacles in his path and has no safety awareness. He actually nearly walk right over a boy on a scooter. Any suggestions on how to address his lack of safety awareness? He has come a long way in early intervention but he is aging out and will start school in September. Any thoughts would greatly be appreciated.

Thanks again Jacqueline PT


NEW JERSEY CEUS August – December 2016, for PT’s, OT’s and SLP’s

Education Resources is thrilled to offer multiple opportunities for CEUs coming to New Jersey  in the latter half of 2016 

We are pleased to  offer you our continuing education courses that are evidence based, engaging, relevant, and immediately applicable to your practice.

Education Resources applies to the New Jersey Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for all relevant courses being held in New Jersey and neighboring states.
You will not find all of our courses listed on the NJ Board’s website as they are behind in posting their approved courses on their site. The following courses (those relevant to PT’s) will be approved by the NJ Board of Physical Therapy Examiners

Education Resources is an approved provider by the New York State Board of Physical Therapy.

Education Resources is an Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the
American Occupational Therapy Association.

Applications are made to ASHA for all relevant courses.


Please click on the links below for a full course description, faculty bio, course brochure including a schedule and registration information
Further courses may be added as venues become confirmed.

Post Concussion Syndrome
Christina Finn
August 20-21, 2016 – Somerville, NJ

Treatment of the Child with Severe Involvement: An NDT Approach
Linda Kliebhan
September 16-17, 2016 – Mountainside, NJ

Mechanical Disorders of the Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint: A Symptom Reproduction Model
Russell Woodman
September 24-25, 2016 – New Brunswick, NJ

Treating Patients in Acute Care and Critical Care Settings: Maximizing Potential
Steven Sadowsky
September 30-October 1, 2016 – Pennington, NJ

The SOFFI Method: Supporting Oral Feeding in Fragile Infants
Erin Sundseth Ross
October 14-15, 2016 – New Brunswick, NJ

The Pediatric Brain: Functional Neuroanatomy the Visual-Vestibular System and Treatment Applications
Janine Wiskind
October 14-15, 2016 – Cedar Knolls, NJ

Amputee Rehabilitation: From Pre-op to Return to Sport Using Evidence Based Care
Inger Brueckner
October 15-16, 2016 – Somerville, NJ

Get Ready to Learn: Yoga Therapy in the Classroom
Anne Buckley-Reen
October 21-22, 2016 – Cedar Knolls, NJ

Adult Dysphagia:  Treatment and Clinical Decisions in Complex Patients
Aliaa Khidr
October 28-29, 2016  – Englewood, NJ

NEW Linking Play and Self-Regulation to Mealtime Success
Susan Roberts
November 4-5, 2016 – Cedar Knolls, NJ

ICU and Acute Care Update : Focus on Early Mobility
Christiane Perme
November 19-20, 2016 – Englewood, NJ

Advanced Course: Combining NDT and SI for Optimal Function in Children with Neuromotor Challenges
Lezlie Adler
December 2-3, 2016 – New Brunswick, NJ
