As a school-based physical therapist, this issue comes up for me every year. Children are referred for physical therapy (and occupational therapy) evaluations because they are obese. Every year, I wrestle with my clinical decision making regarding these children.

The CDC posts some alarming statistics about childhood obesity:

  • The prevalence of childhood obesity has more than doubled in the past 30 years
  • In 2012, more than ½ of children and adolescents were overweight or obese
  • 70% of obese children (age 5-17) have at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease

Children who are obese are at high risk for the following medical conditions: pre-diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and orthopedic or joint problems. Additionally, obese children are at high risk for depression and social difficulties.

In school, we see these children as having difficulty participating in P.E. class and recess with their peers. Getting up and down from the floor can be difficult. Self-care, like shoe tying, can be challenging. Additionally, personal hygiene is often difficult. And this sounds like a silly point, but many obese children have trouble with properly fitting clothing, often leaving either stomachs or rear ends exposed.

Schools are doing their part by reforming school lunches (at the government’s doing). P.E. teachers are encouraging participation in before and after-school running clubs. Posters about healthy eating line the school and cafeteria walls. Schools are trying.

I’ve been documenting Body Mass Index (BMI) in IEP’s for students in which weight may be acting as a barrier to education. This can be a controversial practice. My purpose in doing this is to have data points in which to track a student’s progression. A child who has a BMI above the 99th percentile and then drops to the 95th percentile at the following review has shown significant improvement, even if the improvement is not apparent visually. Also, for children with whom weight management is an issue, I try to take measurements at the beginning of the school year, midway through, and right before summer vacation. It does become a delicate balance when taking these measurements and reporting on them to be very mindful of the child’s self-esteem. 

In the past, some parents have been hotlined (Child Protective Services has been contacted) because of a child’s obesity and the resultant physical concerns. This is not common practice, and there has been little follow through when it was done.

However, I still struggle with the idea of pulling a child out of academic time to exercise. Firstly, it is not skilled physical therapy (or occupational therapy). Much of the time the issue is not that a child cannot perform a skill (i.e. shoe tying), but that they cannot perform it on their body. Secondly, will one session a week make a difference? Can we justify more therapy because of a lifestyle?

I often feel helpless in these cases. The teachers want PT and OT for these students. Some parents are insistent, while others are not. The meetings are usually uncomfortable.

So, as clinicians in the school environment, how are we handling this epidemic? Are you keeping these children on your caseload?


~Kathryn Biel, PT, DPT



PT Needing Advice on Autistic Child with Particular Behavioral issue

GUEST BLOGGER: Kathryn Biel.

Jacqueline submitted this clinical question:

I am a physical therapist working with an autistic child who continues to throw toys and other items constantly. He will throw items over, under and thru railings, in his sister’s crib and pack and play. This behavior happens all day in his home and other relatives’ homes. Parents and team members have tried several strategies to prevent this but nothing seems to help. We have tried ignoring the behavior, getting him to pick up the item each time he throws and try to distract him when we know he is about to throw an item. He has been doing this for over a year and now parents are concerned because he is beginning to throw larger toys and he now has a little sister and parents are concerned about her safety. Any suggestions to stop this behavior would greatly be appreciated.

This is a tough one. The behavior is meeting a need for this child. What is it? Is it simply fun and now it became a habit or a routine or is it somehow meeting an underlying issue? If such, then it would need to be replaced with another habit/routine (and finding one that is less harmful may be difficult). How you go about doing this will be challenging.

The other thing that I can think of is to help sculpt the behavior of throwing into a more limited activity. For example, he can throw, but it has to be into a large bucket (like one of those rope-handled beverage buckets). Putting several of this same container throughout the house so he has a place in each room to throw into may eventually channel this behavior. If part of the enjoyment is throwing through things, then how about putting a grate (or slots, like in the crib rails) over the opening to the bucket/container could help carry this behavior over to the buckets, rather than his sister’s crib.

I’m going to turn this question over to the experts out there. What else would you do to help with this behavior? Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

~Kathryn Biel, PT, DPT


Concussion and Other Brain Injuries in the Headlines

MARCH 23rd 2015

“Concussion, Other Brain Injuries Continue to Grab Attention

Whether in academic research journals, political advocacy reports, or the sports page, discussions about concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI) weren’t hard to find last week.

The common thread? Something APTA has been stressing for years: more attention needs to be paid to all aspects of brain injury diagnosis and management…………….

The need for broad understanding of youth concussion management—and, in fact, all mild brain injury as well as TBI—was what brought APTA advocates and staff to Washington, DC, last week to participate in congressional briefings and provide information to legislators and congressional staff during a “Brain Injury Awareness Fair” on Capitol Hill. APTA representatives also spoke with lawmakers about the importance of the SAFE PLAY Act, now in congress, that aims to improve concussion management in schools. The act includes physical therapists in the list of professionals qualified to make return-to-play decisions”.

Please share your thoughts, and experiences with concussion management

Education Resources is offering a new course:


This course will help clinicians apply the latest research on diagnosis and management of concussion and post concussion syndrome.  This course will focus on the latest relevant assessment and treatment strategies for adults and children with prolonged visual, vestibular and sensory complaints as a result of concussion.  Effective treatment strategies to improve visual skills, balance and sensory integration for optimal return to all daily tasks will be highlighted.  Participants will engage in clinical problem solving via group case analysis and discussion.

May 1-2, 2015 – Fort Worth, TX
July 31-August 1, 2015 – Lee’s summit, MO
October 16-17, 2015 – Washington, DC
November 20-21, 2015 – Matthews, NC


How to Document Co-Treatments in IEP’s

GUEST BLOGGER: Kathryn Biel.

Marcia submitted this clinical question:

We’ve had some discussion around co-treatments and how best to document them in IEP’s — I’d love to get some input as to what is happening in other districts — is it being specifically documented on the service delivery page, additional information, and if so how?? (ie: for a 1 hour co-treat small group with PT & SLP — how is that documented in the IEP?? Is it in the grids as 30 minutes for each?? 1 hour for each??). Thanks in advance — I look forward to getting feedback from this group! 

This one I think will vary, depending on state regulations and reimbursement issues. I’m in New York, so I can only speak to what we’re doing in my region. This is also my understanding, so please feel free to jump in and tell me if I’ve got it wrong. I’ve never been allowed to put a co-treat on an IEP, mostly due to Medicaid reasons. Medicaid does not allow co-treats. According to most districts I’ve been in, if the service is on the IEP, it should be reimbursable. I’ve worked in districts with a very high Medicaid-eligible percentage, so every IEP was treated as if it were being submitted to Medicaid (also because you can retroactively claim Medicaid as well).

So, let’s try this example: A PT/SLP co-treat that is 1 hour long, which takes place one time per week. PT sees the student one more time individually and speech has two more individual sessions. On the co-treat day, PT and SLP would each bill for 30 minute individual sessions but at different times (10-10:30 for PT, 10:30-11 for SLP). The Related Services would be listed at PT two times per week, individual, 30 minute sessions, and SLP would be listed as three times per week, individual, 30 minute sessions.

Personally, I would then add in a PT and an SLP consult under Support for School Personnel and describe the consult to include the co-treat. This way, you have the accountability in the IEP to carve out the time in your schedules to include the co-treat. I would also state the need for/purpose of the co-treat somewhere in the Physical Development Section of the IEP.

Co-treats are a vastly underutilized service, in my book. Sometimes, to get around this, the OT and PT staff (because we share treatment space) will plan one activity that we do together with our students. This doesn’t help with the PT/SLP or SLP/OT co-treat. Obviously, scheduling becomes another issue as well.

I would love to hear how other therapists would or do document co-treats. Please let me know, and Margie, I hope this helps! 

~Kathryn Biel, PT, DPT



The AEIOU Systematic Approach to Pediatric Feeding – Dynamic CEU Course for OT’s, SLP’s and Dietician’s

Nina Johanson Nina Johanson[/caption]

We are thrilled to offer this dynamic pediatric feeding course, presented by Nina Ayd Johanson a highly regarded clinician and renowned teacher.

This course teaches a step-by-step approach for helping children learn to explore food, enjoy eating, and participate independently in social mealtimes. The AEIOU approach – acceptance, exposure, independence, observation and understanding – offers a new and highly successful method for integrated treatment of infants and young children with challenging feeding disorders using sensory, oral motor, biomedical and environmental strategies. Five factors in this holistic approach emphasize active participation, independence and shared control. This course will arm participants with knowledge and practical information to achieve functional outcomes for complex etiologies, improve quality of mealtime, manage tube dependency and transition to eating solid foods, treat sensory aversions, improve oral-motor skills, achieve home carryover, and more. This course is presented in a dynamic learning environment, using case studies and videos to engage and instruct participants. Extensive resources are provided. Many special populations are discussed including: prematurity, GERD, allergies, autism, failure to thrive, tracheostomy, picky eaters, and children with various syndromes.

Courses coming up:
March 27-28, 2105 – Las Vegas, NV
September 26-27, 2105 – Hartford, CT
October 23-24, 2015 – Edison, NJ
December 11-12, 2015 – Lafayette, LA

Please click here for course information, to download a brochure or to register

What others are saying:

I learned so many applicable treatment and evaluation strategies that I am excited to implement in practice…..Brittany, OT

This was a wonderful educational course. I like the way this approach addresses the “Whole” Child and family, and not just a symptom. Nina was an engaging presenter and very capable of sharing her knowledge and experience in an easy to understand way. I would recommend this course for all clinicians who work with children with feeding disorders. – Jordan, SLP

Fantastic feeding course – it really focuses on treating the whole child and family dynamics, whilst respecting both and moving at an appropriate pace….. picked up some tips on sucking, drinking, chewing and messy mealtimes. Thanks Nina – Rachel – dietician

