Therapies in the School Online CEU Courses – Testimonial

Great Testimonial for our Online Courses….. thank you Amanda

What can I say, I am already halfway through my online version of Therapies in the School and I have already learned so much about current topics that I was interested in!!! Education Resources is always my preference for continuing education opportunities and I am thrilled to have access to an online version of one of your amazing courses. I would love to see more and more online versions of the courses you offer. Thanks so much!”


New Intensive Lab course for Therapists Treating Acutely Ill Patients

We are excited to announce a new valuable addition to our list of distinguished faculty members:


Komal Deokule is a respected clinician and renowned instructor and brings a unique perspective from her international training and diverse clinical background.
She is a Board Certified Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist and the founder of Vital Physical Therapy out-patient practice specializing in cardiovascular and pulmonary out-patients. She is also an adjunct faculty at the University of St. Augustine, CA teaching on the cardiopulmonary course in the DPT program. Komal has over 20 years of clinical experience as a cardiopulmonary Physical Therapist. She has worked with patients with heart-lung, liver transplants, cardiac and thoracic surgeries, mobilizing medically complex patients in ICUs, and in outpatient cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. 

Komal will be teaching her new course:

Management of Acutely Ill Patients:
An Evidence Based Approach From A Cardiopulmonary Perspective
Intensive Lab
Pediatric through Geriatric

September 19-20, 2014 – Edgewood, KY
October 17-18, 2014 – Portland, OR

This course gives an evidence based clinical approach to the cardiopulmonary perspective of assessment and management of acutely-ill patients (of any diagnosis) across the continuum of care. Therapists working in different settings are frequently challenged with complex patients with cardiopulmonary diagnoses or multiple systemic co-morbidities with effects on the cardiopulmonary system. This course will empower the therapist with assessment tools and understanding of the pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary conditions, to modify their therapy accordingly. The course content includes cardiopulmonary physical examination including auscultation, ABG analysis, CXR etc, exercise testing and prescription with strong emphasis on outcome measures and documenting
effectiveness of therapy. Pulmonary interventions taught in this course are positioning, breathing techniques, chest clearance techniques and adjuncts of respiratory therapy like use of flutter, acapella etc.

Please visit the course page for a full schedule, to download a brochure, or to register.


NEW Faculty Member and New CEU Course

Education Resources is thrilled to announce a great addition to its renowned team of Faculty members:

Monica Diamond, MS, PT

Monica Diamond

Monica Diamond

Monica Diamond, MS, PT,is an active Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association Coordinator Instructor and International Bobath Instructors Training Association
(IBITA) member with over 25 years experience teaching basic and advanced Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association approved courses for management of adult neuro patients. She has over 30 years experience treating adults with neurological diagnoses and continues her clinical practice at Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Institute at Columbia St. Mary’s in Milwaukee, WI where she treats patients in the acute rehab program, the inpatient brain injury and coma programs, the OP neuro rehab program, and the brain injury day treatment program.

Monica received her bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and teaches NDT as an adjunct faculty member at several universities. She has presented her clinical research at APTA, NeuroDevelopmental Treatment Association and WCPT national and international conferences

Monica will be teaching:
Postural control for UE and LE funtion
NDT approach, Motor Learning, Evidence Based Practice

August 9-10, 2014 – Miami Beach, FL
December 5-6, 2014 – Lees Summit, MO

Please click above for full details, to download a brochure or to register.


Corrected Information from Erin Ross – Picky Eaters Course in Nebraska

FROM: Faculty Member Erin Ross

TO: Participants of Picky Eaters vs Problem Feeders Course – June Nebraska

Dear Course Participants,

I erroneously stated that the CDC charts have been updated with the World Health Organization charts.  Please remember that the growth of breastfed infants is quite different than that of formula-fed infants.  I was incorrect.  The CDC has recommended that everyone use the WHO growth charts for Birth-2 years of age, for all infants (breast and formula-fed).  However, the CDC charts were not updated.  Here is a link for more information, and to access the growth charts. 

I also want to emphasis one more point.  I stated that we all should be aware of the growth charts for children in our practice.  However, please remember that the INTERPRETATION of the growth patterns/chart is critical, and the physician and dietitian are the resources for understanding the growth pattern.  I would encourage all of us to advocate for our children to get ongoing dietitian consultations, and for us to partner with dietitians to provide the best care for our patients.   

I appreciate all of the questions we received at this conference, and apologize that we did not have time to answer all questions submitted.  Please feel free to contact me here with any questions that were not answered during the conference – I will happily do my best to answer them here or via email.  

Thank you for attending our conference – Erin  

We are thrilled to announce that we are adding a NEW DATE for this popular conference:

January 15-18, 2015 – Johnston IOWA

We would like to recommend that you register early as this course always reaches capacity.



Congratulations – Winner of Free CEU course


Thank you to all the therapists from our community who offered such great title suggestions for our new upcoming lab intensive acute care course offered by internationally respected Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist Komal Deokule, PT, MSc.PT, CCS, MCSP, MPNZ, MIAP

We used all your suggestions and in collaboration with Komal the final title is:

Management of Acutely Ill Patients: An Evidence Based Approach from a Cardiopulmonary Perspective

Congratulations to Doreen the winner of our random drawing. She receives a free spot in a course of her choosing.

This course gives an evidence based clinical approach to the cardiopulmonary perspective of assessment and management of acutely-ill patients (of any diagnosis) across the continuum of care. Therapists working in different settings are frequently challenged with complex patients with cardiopulmonary diagnoses or multiple systemic co-morbidities with effects on the cardiopulmonary system. This course will empower the therapist with assessment tools and understanding of the pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary conditions, to modify their therapy accordingly. The course content includes cardiopulmonary physical examination including auscultation, ABG analysis, CXR etc, exercise testing and prescription with strong emphasis on outcome measures and documenting effectiveness of therapy. Pulmonary interventions taught in this course are positioning, breathing techniques, chest clearance techniques and adjuncts of respiratory therapy like use of flutter, acapella etc.

Please click here for full course details, for a brochure and to register for one of the sessions offered
