We would like to remind you to register for our popular conference.
This conference sold out last year and we would not want you to be disappointed:
Fifteenth Annual
November 20-21, 2014
Framingham, MA
Please click here for full information, a brochure and to Register
To avoid disappointment please remember to indicate your chosen breakout sessions
Join us to celebrate 15 years of coming together to meet the challenges of school based practice
We invite you to attend our wine and cheese reception for our
15th Annual Conference Celebration
at the end of the first day of the conference.
Please indicate your attendance on the registration form
We look forward to seeing you at this years conference
Calling all Therapists Treating Vestibular Patients
As we launch our new advanced vestibular rehab course and are currently developing new vestibular courses we would like to create an avenue for you to discuss any clinical challenges or tips with other colleagues and would like to know if you would find this beneficial?
We have an established pediatric community and therapists are benefiting from sharing relevant information,clinical challenges and solutions and tips.
We are looking to offer similar discussion groups for vestibular therapists, and value your input.
- Do you regularly visit clinical discussion groups? If so which ones?
- Would you visit/contribute to a discussion group dedicated to vestibular rehab and therapy?
- Is there a particular format in which you would like to see the discussion group offered?
- How would this be most beneficial to your practice?
Please comment below or email me here with your comments and suggestions.
Thank you so much for any input as we strive to meet your needs.
NEW Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation CEU course with the Expert; Richard Clendaniel
Richard Clendaniel[/caption]
We are thrilled to be able to offer another course from our renowned expert: Rick Clendaniel. Anyone who has attended Rick’s Vestibular Rehabilitation course previously will benefit from this new course.
This advanced course will focus on the assessment and treatment of patients with vertigo and dysequilibrium from unusual vestibular causes. The course is designed for clinicians (PT & OT) with prior vestibular rehabilitation course work and clinical experience. Material covered will include advanced techniques for treating anterior and horizontal canal BPPV, central causes of dizziness (including concussion), identification and treatment of cervicogenic dizziness, chronic subjective dizziness, migraine and other unusual vestibular disorders. As vestibular disorders occur across the lifespan and with various disorders, this information is applicable to a large patient population with symptoms of dizziness.
As vestibular disorders occur across the lifespan and with various disorders, this information is applicable to a large patient population with symptoms of dizziness.
Prior vestibular rehabilitation course work and experience treating patients with vestibular disorders are necessary before taking this course.
“Richard is a credit to the profession; he is knowledgeable, well spoken, and an extremely pleasant presenter. The content of the material covered was detailed and well organized.” -Fran Kramer
Vestibular Rehabilitation – Advanced with Intensive Labs
Click here for more information to download a brochure or to register
September 12-13, 2014 – White Plains, NY
January 17-18, 2015 – Wallingford, CT
April 11-12, 2015 – Philadelphia, PA
May 30-31, 2015 – Matthews, NC
With further dates to be added
Please contact us if you need further information
Therapist Looking for Help for Baby with Torticollis
Post from Brandy:
Hi! I was hoping to get some other professional’s input on my torticollis baby that I am seeing now. This baby came in initially as a right sided torticollis, came in for the 3rd session with head tilted to L. I thought to myself “oh great, mom is doing A LOT of stretching and may have overstretched.” Yet upon conversation with mom, she states that this baby has switched sides before. We went through several of her pictures and sure enough she switches sides. Right side moreso than left. The baby has decent head control, head up to almost 90 in prone and holds vertical in supported sitting. The baby was born at 36 weeks (is 6 months now) and did have some minor complications at birth. I only can think of 3 reasons why this baby is switching sides: benign paroxysmal torticollis of infancy (although these babies tend to be fussy and my pt. is not!), ocular lesions, or reflux/sandifer syndrome. I have discussed this with the MD whom is getting a neuro eval. Any other ideas? Please help. The mom is very compliant with HEP, baby is rarely in a car seat or positioning device, does her HEP. I should note that this baby does have some abnormally increased tone and prefers extension, still has jittery movements of extremities. Otherwise appears and seems socially normal. Thanks!!
]]>Get a Jump Start on Back to School with Online CEU Courses
Our newly launched online sessions (recorded live) from our highly acclaimed Annual Therapies in the School Conference are proving to be extremely popular.
Be prepared for back to school in September with the latest evidence based strategies to implement in the classroom.
Choose from six individual sessions, or choose the complete package of all six sessions; a great option to share with your colleagues or district.
Please click here for session descriptions and faculty bios
Registration Fees including a discounted rate for group/district purchases:
$129 per session (2.5-3 contact hours)
$29 per additional CEU certificate
$599 for complete package of all six sessions (16.5 contact hours)
$39 per additional CEU certificate (0-9)
$34 per additional CEU certificate (10-20)
Individual registrations are available online.
Please call the office for group/district registrations.
Click here for an online course registration Form
We know that for some of you, it may not be possible to attend every conference you would like, and for others, supplemental materials will enhance your learning when attending our highly regarded live programs. Still others have told us that they want to share the material they have learned at one of our live courses with their colleagues, administrators and the families they serve. That is why we developed our new e-Learning program taught by leading experts in their fields.
Please visit our FAQ Page
Call with any questions