Physical Therapy for Severe Bell’s Palsy Patients

You may have heard that a clinical study recently published by Neurorehabil Neural Repair ( found that early physical therapy in individuals severely affected with Bell’s Palsy could lead to better long term results.

What has been your experience with treating these patients?

Is there a need for education and training on treating patients with Bell’s Palsy?

We’d love to hear from you!


Congratulations – Free Course for New Therapist

We would like to thank all the New Grads who joined our mailing list. We did randomly select a therapist to receive free tuition towards one of our CEU courses. Congratulations Beth!! 

We would like to help you all plan for your future continuing education. We offer CEU courses for PT’s, OT’s and SLP’s  in a full range of specialties: Pediatrics, Special Education, Adult/Geriatric Rehab., Feeding, Acute Care, NICU, Home Care, and many more. 

Please feel free to post any thoughts and comments below; ideas for future courses, topics, future speakers. We are happy to welcome you to our ERI community.


Physical Therapist Assistants – Take our survey to win an Amazon Gift Certificate


Education Resources is developing exciting new products to make continuing education more accessible and engaging.

Your survey input will enable us to meet your CEU needs

The survey will take 10 minutes to complete.
Everyone who completes the survey will be eligible to win one of six $75 gift certificates. 

please complete before June 26th

Thank you

We really appreciate your time!


Neurorehabilitation Across the Continuum of Care


Dr. Rosanne Thomas is an Associate Professor and the Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy in the Health Science Division at the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati. Her scholarly focus is to bridge the gap between basic science research and clinical practice. She also has extensive clinical expertise that is currently put into practice with direct patient intervention and formal mentoring of clinicians in utilizing a functional-based treatment approach. Dr. Thomas’ ability to integrate basic science and clinical practice has recently been recognized as she presented the 2006 Keynote address at the Annual Interdisciplinary Stroke Course at Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago on “Neuroplasticity and Stroke Recovery” to clinicians including physicians, physical and occupational therapists and speech pathologists. She has multiple publications in both clinical and neuroscience arenas.

June 14-15, 2013 – Burlington, NC
Neurorehabilitation across the Continuum of Care

This course is designed to bridge the gap between science and practice.  Applying clinical relevance to nervous system activity and dysfunction will provide therapists with a new perspective for improving outcomes in their patients with neurologic deficits.  Participants will learn an evidence based approach to selecting the most appropriate interventions based on functional prognosis and learn when and how to facilitate compensation.

Participants will be able to perform a comprehensive neurological examination, correlating findings to symptoms, neuropathology and prognosis as well as skillful documentation.  Evidence based treatment for Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s disease andDementia will be highlighted.  Specific treatment strategies to drive neuroplastic change and enhance functional outcomes will be highlighted.
