Physical therapy can be as effective as surgery for torn meniscus

You may have heard that a clinical study recently published by The New England Journal of Medicine   found that physical therapy can be as effective as knee surgery for treating patients with a torn meniscus. The following physical therapy protocol was used in the study and is taken from The New England Journal of Medicine:

Physical Therapy

The physical-therapy protocol was developed by a team of experienced physical therapists. The protocol was based on literature supporting the effectiveness of land-based, individualized physical therapy with progressive home exercise for patients with knee osteoarthritis. The three-stage structured program was designed to address inflammation, range of motion, concentric and eccentric muscle strength, muscle-length restrictions, aerobic conditioning (e.g., with the use of a bicycle, elliptical machine, or treadmill), functional mobility, and proprioception and balance. Details of the physical-therapy program are described in Table Two in the Supplementary Appendix. Criteria for advancing from stage I to II and from stage II to III included the level of self-reported pain, observed strength, range of knee motion, knee effusion, and functional mobility. At each stage, it was recommended that the patient attend physical-therapy sessions once or twice weekly and perform exercises at home. Patients progressed at their own pace; the duration of participation varied depending on the pace of improvement. Generally, the program lasted about 6 weeks. 

Nearly 500,000 people undergo surgery each year to treat a torn meniscus. Many of these patients could seek physical therapy instead of surgery.

  • How do you treat these patients differently from when you see them post-op a meniscectomy?
  • If you use a similar protocol to that in the study have you experienced any problems with it?
  • Do you have any suggestions on how to generate more referrals for this condition?
  • Is there a need for education and training on treating patients with this condition?

We’d love to hear from you!



Occupational Therapist CEU’s: New York Update

Starting on February 13, 2013, New York Licensed Occupational Therapists and OT Assistants are now required to complete 36 hours of continuing competency when they renew their licenses every three years. 

These requirements will be phased in during the first three years, only requiring ½ hour per month, beginning with renewals due in March 2013, so if your renewal is due before March 2016, you would count the months from February 2013 until your renewal and multiply by .5 hours to ascertain what you need to accrue. 

By March 2016, all registrants will be required to accrue the full 36 hours in a three year period. Other types of Continuing Competency can be a study group, mentoring a student, performing research, authoring a publication, and the like with proper documentation. 

The State Board of OT within the Department of Education recognizes all continuing education courses given by AOTA approved providers and NBCOT approved providers such as Education Resources, Inc. for these hours. While not specifically spelled out in the law, AOTA has written communication from the Board confirming this decision. 

The full regulations are available in section 76.10 of the Commissioner’s Rules and Regulations. Here is the link:

As always, we would love to hear from you what courses and topics are of interest, so we can continue meet your needs. Feel free to comment below with any “requests”.

Please visit our website and search for available OT courses in New York

Pediatric Occupational Therapists: Help with refusal of spoon to mouth

Michelle Posts:

DEAR ERI COMMUNITY: I am a pediatric occupational therapist. I have several kiddos on my caseload now who are all on the spectrum. Each one resists taking a spoon to mouth and has a limited acceptance of a variety of foods. Even when a preferred food is placed on the utensil they refuse to eat from the spoon. They will pick the food off the spoon and eat it but will refuse if it is presented on the utensil. Any suggestions on where to start and treatment ideas? Thank you so much! Michelle


New Therapists….. Enter here to win a free CEU course


Congratulations to all the recent grads…. and soon to be grads.
We would like to help you plan for your future continuing education. We offer CEU courses for PT’s, OT’s and SLP’s  in a full range of specialties: Pediatrics, Special Education, Adult/Geriatric Rehab., Feeding, Acute Care, NICU, Home Care, and many more. 

Please click here to receive customized email alerts for your professional development
In Discipline field please include  your discipline, the words;”New Grad”, and date of graduation

For all those joining our mailing list, you will be entered to win free tuition toward an ERI CEU course.  A random drawing will be taken in May.

Please feel free to post any thoughts and comments below; ideas for future courses, topics, future speakers. We look forward to welcoming you to our ERI community.



School Based Therapy – Asking Therapists for Topic Ideas

We are fine tuning our agenda for this years Therapies in the School conference in Therapies in the School - Education ResourcesMassachusetts and would value your input.

Based on feedback from last years popular conference we are excited to announce that we will have sessions on evidence based strategies, tests and measures, Brain Gym ®,  practical applications of neuroscience, balance and autism, collaborative approaches and new mandates and much more!

We are continuing to build our course schedule for 2013, and would like to bring you material that would be most applicable to your daily practice.

We do have a few speaking slots open and we want to be able to meet your needs. 

  • Are there any specific speakers who you would love to hear?
  • Are there any specific topics that you would like to see covered?

In a session focusing on “The iPad: Newest Apps”, would you prefer to have it focus on:

  • The iPad as a writing tool
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Switch access/positioning/access options
  • The iPad as an Augmentative Communication Device (access and communication)
  • Please list other technology topics

Would you be interested in a session on collaborative approaches in addressing wellness at school?

Please post your thoughts and ideas as comments below or you can email them to Mandy

The course this year will again be in November:
November 21-22, 2013– Framingham, MA

Thank you so much for your time
