Finding the best speech-language Apps to use…Help!

Who knew when iPads and other tablets first came out that this incredible piece of technology, would become a therapy tool?

With hundreds of apps out there ranging from free to $200 or more, how do you know which app is right for your client? In fact how do you even know if you are missing an app that could potentially be life changing for one of your autistic or non-verbal client? 

We’ve put together a list of resources that we found around the web. Some are blogs that focus completely on speech therapy using the iPad and reviews of the app itself and we’ve also found a spreadsheet that was put together by a parent, an adult with autism and an SLP listing apps, uses and prices. 

Interested in learning more? Check the apps resources out below:

There are apps for learning to write, learning to communicate with others, language, articulation, vocab, pragmatics, motor skills like hand eye coordination and also apps that focus on speech therapy for autistic children. 

Are we missing any important apps that you use in your with your therapy patients daily or that you find extremely useful? Share them with us here!


Feeding, Swallowing: Who’s job is it…. Speech Language Pathology? Occupational Therapy?

Nicole Posts:

DEAR ERI COMMUNITY: I have a great interest in feeding, eating, and swallowing which is a specialty certification for OTs. However, in acute care there is great resistance to practice in this area because of the strong presence of SLPs. I am wondering if anyone else has come across this issue, or currently practices in this specialty and has any advice on how I can get started. Thanks!


Physical Therapy – Dilemma in Acute Care


Mary Posts:

DEAR ERI COMMUNITY: As a physical therapy assistant in an acute care facility, I am constantly working with patients to increase their ambulation and improve gait patterns. Recently, on a PT’s initial evaluation the physical therapist only transferred the pt bed to chair (2 feet) and did not ambulate the patient any significant distance. The PT set an ambulation goal of 100-150 feet with or without an assistive device in 7 days. As I worked with the patient the following day without any assistive device, I observed the pt had increased difficulty ambulating after 10 feet due to LE weakness resulting in foot drag. Needless to say, the pt has increased difficulty ambulating back to the chair and was very unsafe transferring stand to sit. What should I do the next time? Should I start with a walker?



Post Course discussion with Steven Sadowsky

Treating the Acute Care ICU Patient


[caption id="attachment_584" align="alignleft" width="113" caption="Steven Sadowsky"]Steven Sadowsky -Education Resources Faculty[/caption]

Steven Sadowsky is happy to answer any questions you may have, and discuss treatment and practical applications in the ICU and Acute Care setting.  Sometimes there is not enough time through the course of the weekend and this is the ideal opportunity for course participants to share their experiences using the new techniques learned, and discuss any clinical challenges, solutions and suggestions. We welcome all therapists to offer their own therapy tips and join this community. 

Please do not hesitate to post your questions, thoughts and suggestions as a comment to this blog.


Therapies in The School Conference 2012 – Questions for the Speakers

We are building a community for school therapists attending the conference this year. A place for everyone to connect prior to, during and after the conference. We are hoping that building this community will serve you well, a place for you to share your ideas, challenges, solutions and to learn therapy tips from others. We would also like to be able offer a post course discussion for therapists, building on this new community.

For our first post we are inviting participants of this years conference to post, within our blog, any specific issues or topics that you would like to see discussed at the conference. We will present these ideas to our speakers prior to the start of the conference, in the hope that they will address them for you. Please post your question here as a comment to this blog, specifying to which speaker you would like it presented.

We do hope you are looking forward to the conference and look forward to meeting you there. For those unable to attend this year please stay tuned for therapy tips learned, and for those thinking of attending, please get in touch soon as this popular conference is getting close to being full.

