Announcing Recipients of the ERI Birth to Three Scholarship Awards

The countdown to the Birth to Three Conference is on!

scholarship therapistAs we finalize the finishing touches for this year’s inaugural conference, we want to take a moment to announce this year’s award winners of the ERI Scholarships for “B-3 New to Practice” and “B-3 Master  Clinician”. 

We received many noteworthy nominations and it was difficult to choose a winner among the many talented and dedicated B-3 therapists. We are thrilled to announce the following recipients as this year’s winners:

Birth to Three ‘New to Practice’ Scholarship Award: 

The ERI Award Committee is thrilled to announce Camila Gonzalez as the winner for our New to B-3 Scholarship award! This award is intended to celebrate and support an emerging leader who is new to practicing in a Birth to 3 setting. It is never easy to begin working in a new area and we really admire those who persevere and provide exceptional care despite the hurdles they may face during those first few years.  

One of the hurdles many early intervention providers face is inconsistencies in caseloads, scheduling, mentorship and time to collaborate with their colleagues. Camila is confronting these hurdles with determination by balancing practice in two settings- home-based early intervention and school-based speech language services. Even as a new to B3 SLP, she has already experienced the joy of successful connection with her EI families. She is dedicated to continuing practice in this setting, where many families would benefit from services in their primary language. As a bilingual SLP in Spanish and English, Camila provides skilled therapy while also fostering comfort and connection with caregivers who can share their aspirations, concerns, and questions about their child in their own language.  

Speaking up, advocating and problem solving can be daunting when you are in a new practice area, but these skills are crucial to providing quality care. Camila exemplifies teamwork and collaboration in meeting the needs of her young clients by never being afraid to reach out to other team members, including physicians, radiologists, OTs, PTs and behavior therapists on the care team. She prides herself on her strong collaboration with families and it’s no coincidence that she is an SLP, as she excels in communication with and on behalf of children and their caregivers.  

Camila is already envisioning the positive benefits of gaining more knowledge and expertise at the 2024 B3 Conference, as she looks forward to “synthesizing and relaying vital information to current and future families.” By taking the initiative to overcome challenges in this new practice area, Camila is well on her way to achieving her professional goals and supporting clients to achieve theirs’ as well!  

Birth to Three ‘Master Clinician’ Scholarship Award: 

The B-3 Master Clinician Scholarship Award for 2024 is proudly presented to Dr. Breanna Adkins! Dr. Adkins was nominated for this honor by one of her colleagues, who emphasized how impactful Dr. Adkins’ work is with her young clients and families, her OT students and the broader therapy community.  

As one of only a small handful of Board Certified Pediatric OTs in West Virginia, Dr. Adkins’ expertise extends from birth to 3 and beyond, although her clinical passion lies in early intervention services. She has so skillfully demonstrated excellence in this practice area that she has inspired many OT students to seek fieldwork placements in EI and to enter this setting as newly graduated therapists. Dr. Adkins’ commitment to high quality EI services for the babies and toddlers of her area led her to join the faculty of West Virginia University, where she has incorporated innovative teaching strategies to ensure students’ clinical competence in pediatric practice. 

It is not just teaching and practicing that makes Dr. Adkins a master clinician, but also her completion of hundreds of hours of training in assessment and interventions for the birth to three population. From feeding and swallowing to infant and toddler mental health, to motor and nervous system disorders, along with reflex integration, sensory processing and medical complexity, Dr. Adkins continues to embrace advanced knowledge in service to her clients. This aligns so strongly with ERI’s values around providing life-changing learning for therapists and helping them remember why they love what they do. Our warmest congratulations and appreciation for B3 Master Clinician Award winner, Dr. Breanna Adkins! 

Congratulations to Camilla and Dr. Breanna Adkins! Thank you for your passion, hard work and innovative ideas that help to push our profession forward. 

Both women will receive a scholarship of free tuition to this year’s Birth to Three Conference and will be recognized at the event. This is a virtual conference. 

Thank You to Our Birth to Three Conference Facility Partners

Meeting a Growing Need

This year, ERI will hold its inaugural virtual Birth to Three Conference scheduled for April 4 and 5, 2024. After years of research and analyzing therapists educational needs, ERI determined there was a learning gap when it comes to therapists who work with the birth to three population. Building off of that information and meeting with numerous experts in the field, ERI developed a conference agenda that targeted the B-3 areas with the biggest needs.

We’re thrilled that almost 400 therapists and other educators agree that this conference is exactly the kind of content needed to learn new strategies and techniques when treating this tiny population and their families. 

Registration Is Still Open

Interested in viewing the full agenda and speakers for this popular conference? There’s still time to register! Participants have the option of registering for one or both days, and groups of three or more will receive a discount for the two-day conference. Learn more to see what all the buzz is about!

Thank You to Our Facility Partners

Our Facility Partners help to spread the word about this important event, while also supporting their own staff by investing in their professional development for this two-day course. This conference is trusted by the following organizations:   

Interested in Partnering with ERI?

Whether you’re looking for in-house customized continuing education, or would like to partner with ERI to host an in-person course or live webinar, we can accommodate your professional development needs. Make an investment in the future that pays off in improved outcomes. Contact our Director of Client Relations, Marianne Boynton, to discuss your specific training goals: 800-487-6530 or email 

Holly Schifsky is Presenting in Dallas, TX on April 27 and 28

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity in Dallas, Texas!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn in-person with ERI faculty and neonatal expert Holly Schifsky, OTR/L, CNT, NTMTC, CBIS. Holly will be presenting her popular course, Baby Beats and Breaths: Therapeutic Interventions for the Premature Infant with Cardiopulmonary Compromise, at Children’s Health Specialty Center at Cityville Southwestern Medical District in Dallas, TX.

This hands-on intermediate-advanced course will focus on the cardiopulmonary implications for the premature or medically-complex infant as related to physiological stability, evolving motor control, sensory stability, and transition to oral motor skills that support feeding. It will focus on advancing the critical reasoning skills of the neonatal therapist to support the infant’s ability to obtain foundational motor and sensory skills.

premature infant cardiopulmonary NICUThis course is recommended for intermediate to advanced neonatal therapists, PTs, PTAs, OTs, OTAs, and SLPs working with infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Participants of this course will earn 15 contact hours upon completion (1.5 CEUs). 

Registration is now open! Questions? Contact our office at or call 800-487-6530. 

Continue learning with Holly with these additional courses:

Unable to travel to Dallas? No problem, we offer live webinars that you can attend from the comfort of your home. Here are some upcoming courses to continue your learning with Holly: 

Breathe, Baby Breathe: Developmental Interventions for Infants with Tracheostomy Tubes
May 3, 2024
Live Webinar
8.5 contact hours


Baby Beats and Breaths: Therapeutic Interventions for the Premature Infant with Cardiopulmonary Compromise
May 9, 10, and 11, 2024
Live Webinar
15 contact hours


premature infant medically complex NICUBabies’ Bodies and Brains: Multi-System Assessment and Treatment of the Premature/Medically Complex Infant for the Rehabilitation Professional
July 19 and 20, 2024
Live Webinar
15 contact hours

Babies’ Bodies and Brains: Multi-System Assessment and Treatment of the Premature/Medically Complex Infant for the Rehabilitation Professional
September 13 and 14, 2024
Live Webinar
15 contact hours

Breathe, Baby Breathe: Developmental Interventions for Infants with Tracheostomy Tubes
September 27, 2024
Live Webinar
8.5 contact hours

Baby Beats and Breaths: Therapeutic Interventions for the Premature Infant with Cardiopulmonary Compromise
September 30, October 1, 7 and 8, 2024
Live Webinar
15 contact hours

Newly Updated On-Demand “Management of Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms”

Management of Persistent Post Concussive Symptoms: What’s the Latest Evidence? is an on-demand refresh of the current concussion course offered by the same name. Speaker Christina Finn, Ed.D, OTR/L, has refreshed some of the content to reflect the newest updates in the concussion world. 

post concussion syndromeOf note, this course will include updates from the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport, including Recommendations for Return to Learn and Return to Play. Information on how these guidelines can be interpreted for best clinical practice related to rehabilitation assessment and treatment for individuals who have sustained concussions will be included. 

If you have already taken Christina’s concussion course as a live webinar or as the previous on-demand version, we do not recommend taking this refreshed course again. However, if you’re new to this course and want to learn updates on the latest research related to the diagnosis and management of concussion and persistent post-concussive symptoms, then this on-demand is a great choice!

Register today! The cost of this on-demand is $299, and the course is available up until one year after the purchase date. Enjoy the convenience on-demand courses offer – take it anytime, anywhere. And don’t forget, we offer group rates. Learn together with three or more people and receive discounted pricing on any of our live webinars or on-demand courses. 

Questions? Email or call 800-487-6530.

Understanding Sensory Processing and Feeding Issues: A Guide for Educators and Therapists

young boy staring at his dinner plate

Feeding difficulties in children — particularly those intertwined with sensory processing — come with a few hurdles. For example, parents might find encouraging their children to eat nutritious foods challenging. 

Children with sensory processing disorders might avoid certain textures, such as mushy foods like mashed potatoes or foods at specific temperatures, like hot soup. 

Understanding and addressing these sensory processing and feeding issues requires a unified approach of specialized insights by occupational therapists, nutritionists, educators and parents.  

What Are Sensory Processing Disorders? 

Sensory processing disorder (SPD) influences how the brain handles sensory information. SPD impacts what we see, hear, smell, taste or touch. Some may be overly sensitive, while others require more stimuli to notice things. This disorder is not limited to children. Often times, adults with SPD have found ways to adapt and cope by creating a good fit between their daily life and their unique sensory preferences and needs. 

SPD has three main patterns, which include the following: 

  • Sensory modulation disorder (SMD): SMD involves difficulties regulating responses to stimuli. Individuals can either be over- or under-responsive or have sensory cravings. With SMD, kids might feel distress around textures, avoid bright lights or seek sensory experiences in unique ways. 
  • Sensory-based motor disorder (SBMD): SBMD involves balance, coordination and motor tasks. This may be related to differences in vestibular, proprioceptive, kinesthetic and/or visual processing skills. A child with dyspraxia, for example, can find it challenging to translate sensory info from these systems into effective and efficient movements. An observer may see postural difficulties, loss of balance, or uncoordinated movements as the child moves throughout their environment. 
  • Sensory discrimination disorder (SDD): The SDD profile refers to how accurately one interprets sensory information. SDD has eight subtypes that align with the sensory systems; for example, tactile DD, vestibular DD and auditory DD, to name a few. Children with SDD struggle to understand the nuances of sensory stimuli for things, people and places. 

The Connection Between Sensory Processing Disorders and Feeding Difficulties

SPDs may not be officially recognized as a standalone diagnosis, but their impact on how the brain processes sensory information is indisputable. A heightened sensitivity — or the lack thereof — often affects various aspects of daily life, including one’s eating habits.

The sensory experiences associated with food are crucial in the eating process. For those with SPD-related issues, these aspects can trigger numerous responses.

Imagine how sensory sensitivities influence appetite and hunger signals. Children may struggle to recognize hunger cues amidst a whirlwind of sensory information. It may lead to erratic eating patterns or refusal of certain foods based on their sensory characteristics. Some children might also take a rigid approach to food, sticking only to specific brands or variations of certain foods due to sensory comfort zones. 

Extreme picky eating or Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) may also manifest in children. Those with ARFID may exhibit various behaviors tied to sensory processing issues. They may avoid foods due to sensory characteristics or experience fear around trying new foods. This reluctance may lead to nutritional deficiencies and marked interference with psychosocial functioning.

some children might also take a rigid approach to food

Identifying Sensory-Related Feeding Challenges

As a therapist or educator, you play a crucial role in identifying these issues early. Here are some red flags and behaviors that might signal sensory-related feeding issues:

  • Gag reflex: Children may gag at the sight, smell, touch or taste of certain foods. This reflex could stem from sensory sensitivities or underlying difficulties in chewing or swallowing.
  • Texture preferences: This is a preference for only specific textures — such as crunchy or soft — and an insistence on specific brands, colors or flavors. It can include an avoidance of foods outside of the preferred texture. Children may demonstrate a “food jag” when they will only accept specific textures and types of food. 
  • Discomfort with messiness: Children may have avoidance or discomfort with messy hands or face. Be it during meals or in activities like crafting or playing in the sand. This raises the question of possible tactile sensitivity.
  • Food pocketing: This includes individuals who excessively stuff their mouths or pocket food in their cheeks. Food pocketing may be due to poor coordination, poor sensory awareness in the mouth, and/or chewing difficulties.
  • Lack of oral exploration: Infants and toddlers typically demonstrate oral exploration of items in their surroundings. Educators and therapists can offer safe and developmentally appropriate items and opportunities for mouthing and chewing. Without this exploration, infants and toddlers may show more difficulty as they learn to eat solid foods. 
  • Extended mouthing behaviors: While lack of oral exploration is often problematic for feeding development, extended mouthing behaviors past developmental expectations can also indicate sensory processing issues.  Extended mouthing behaviors are when children continue to mouth and chew on various objects outside of typical developmental windows, such as chewing on clothing, pencils, or straws. 

You can help parents or caregivers be aware of these signs. Early intervention can help by looking at sensory processing differences as one of the contributing factors around feeding difficulties and it can offer strategies to address them. These efforts can contribute positively to a child’s development and foster a positive relationship with food and eating.

Assessment Tools for Identifying Sensory-Related Feeding Challenges

As an early childhood educator or therapist, you can use formal assessment tools to help identify when sensory processing disorders may be contributing to sensory-related feeding problems. The following tools can help you understand a child’s unique sensory needs and challenges and therefore, develop effective intervention strategies: 

  • Sensory processing measure (SPM): This system of caregiver and teacher questionnaires assesses sensory processing abilities across different environments between home and school. It provides insights into sensory modulation, sensory discrimination and behavioral outcomes of sensory modulation.
  • Sensory Profile-2: This questionnaire has forms to be completed by caregiver, adolescent self-report, and/or teacher to help identify an individual’s sensory processing patterns and preferences. Results are grouped into summary quadrants to shine some light on a child’s pattern of responses and sensory-motor needs  in everyday situations — including mealtimes.
  • Pediatric eating assessment tool (PEDI-EAT): This is a tool specifically designed to assess feeding difficulties. It evaluates mealtime behaviors, oral-motor skills and functional eating skills.
  • Clinical observations: Skilled observation during mealtime or multi-sensory activities can provide insights into a child’s real-time responses to sensory stimulation. 
  • Structured interviews and caregiver reports: Engage parents or caregivers through interviews or questionnaires that consider all types of sensory stimuli and their child’s typical responses. Gather information about typical mealtimes, including the food and drinks offered, mealtime partners, and the physical environment. The answers can help you gather detailed information about a child’s feeding skills and the impact of sensory differences or challenges on their participation with feeding and eating. 
  • Multidisciplinary evaluations: Collaborative assessments with other specialists such as speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, nutritionists, and developmental pediatricians can offer a holistic view of the child’s abilities and needs. 

5 Strategies to Create a Sensory-Supportive Eating Environment

As a therapist or educator, you can help parents or caregivers try different strategies to create a sensory-supportive eating environment for the child and family. These approaches aim to promote a positive relationship between children and food, minimize stress and enhance nutritional intake.

1. Sensory-Friendly Meal Environments

Establish structured and consistent settings that offer predictability and minimal distractions for attention during meals. Consider dimming the lighting, using music or calming background noise, and offering preferred seating to your child to promote comfort and calm. The more relaxed the child is, the more regulated they’ll be- and that promotes more engagement with food and eating. 

2. Adaptive Feeding Tools

Adaptations can be made to heighten or lessen sensory stimuli, depending on what type of support the child needs. Experiment with different types of utensils and dishes and share with parents which ones worked best for their child. This might mean adapting utensils for more independent and accurate self-feeding, or using non-traditional utensils to add novelty and fun to the mealtime experience. Altering the presentation of the food by using small dishes or compartments versus one large serving plate or cutting board can also promote more curiosity and engagement in some hesitant eaters. 

3. Interactive Food Activities

Demonstrate how to use interactive food activities to promote sensory exploration with texture, sights and smells. Show parents how you set up tactile sensory bins with various textures to encourage exploration. Know that it is okay to “play with your food” to learn more about how it feels, what it looks like, how it smells and how it tastes. Use kid-safe but grown-up looking tools and utensils to interact safely and creatively with new or familiar foods.  

You can also offer strategies to involve kids in meal preparation. This changes cooking into a sensory-rich, low-pressure activity for them. Children may become more familiar with new foods while cooking in a relaxed environment. Washing, rinsing, drying, sorting, peeling, slicing, grating, opening, and more will teach cooking skills and offer safe exposures to new sensory experiences. 

4. Personalized Food Selection and Preparation

Guide parents to encourage children to make choices, based on what’s appealing to them about different foods. Consider the color, size, texture, and smell and give words to describe those features in the items the child chooses.  Compare their choices to similar foods that they’ve tasted previously or to newly offered foods to build their repertoire of food awareness. 

Additionally, involve the child in making simple alterations to the food, like changing the shape, or using a dip or sauce, to help bridge the gap to trying new items.

5. Building a Sensory Rich Vocabulary

Build comfort with novel foods through play and exploration. Discover what a food looks like, smells like, sounds like when they take a bite or chew. Is it sour, sweet or strong tasting? Is it dry or wet? Is it crumbly, squishy, mushy, or sharp? Does the color change or stay the same? Is it cold, warm, hot? With increased language to describe and understand their likes and dislikes, children may become more comfortable and confident tasting new foods.  

You could also suggest playful interactions with food. Encourage their children to touch or explore different foods. This helps children become more accustomed to diverse sensory experiences.

The Role of Multidisciplinary Collaboration

The collaborative efforts among a team of professionals can be crucial in managing feeding challenges. 

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) help evaluate oral motor skills and design strategies to ensure safe eating practices, particularly around chewing and swallowing. Occupational therapists (OTs) focus on sensory integration and being regulated to engage in mealtime, while nutritionists help create balanced diets and address nutritional deficiencies. Medical specialists rule out underlying health issues, psychologists tackle emotional and relational aspects and educators implement strategies in the school setting so their students are fed and able to learn. 

All team members strive towards a comprehensive and effective approach to addressing a child’s sensory-related food difficulties. This unified approach provides families with multiple points of support to tailor effective interventions for more mealtime success. 

enhance your care through collaboration and education

Enhance Your Care Through Collaboration and Education

Enhance your career to help more patients with Education Resources, Inc. (ERI). We offer comprehensive professional development and resources in different professions. Be it physical or occupational therapy, speech language pathology, special education or nutrition and dietetics — we have courses for you! 

Whether through live webinars, in-person classes or on-demand courses, our offerings infuse practicality and passion. Learn what a difference evidence-based courses and learning can make in your career and the lives of those you serve.

Contact us online today to learn more about the power of collaborative care and continuous learning through ERI.