Light touch and Holding Interventions

Faculty Member: John Pagano

Light touch and holding strategies promote body awareness and social-emotional skills in children and adolescents with behavioral challenges. Deep pressure touch is a more common therapeutic intervention. However, light touch and holding are valuable therapeutic options for promoting attention, body awareness and social-emotional skills.


Body awareness, stress and somatic pain challenges negatively impact behavior in many children and adolescents with developmental, sensory processing, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, internalizing behavioral concerns and other psychiatric disorders.  Attention, body awareness, stress and somatic pain problems can be addressed through the use of light touch and holding strategies.  Light touch and holding strategies are particularly useful for improving and directing functional attention, and provide a valuable option for reducing stress, somatic pain, and social-emotional problems when deep pressure massage is contraindicated.  Particularly for young people experiencing acute pain, edema, taking analgesic medications (e.g., which can decrease pain perception) or taking antidepressant medications (e.g., which can cause light headedness and dizziness) light touch and holding are preferred.

Recent research indicates that positively perceived slow, light touch specifically activates CT afferent fibers connecting to the Insular Cortex that convey social-emotional interactions and our internal sense of self.  FAB Strategies utilizing light touch and holding include: Vibration to the Back, Arms, & Body as well as the Rolling the arm, Back X, Spine crawl, Head crown, and Foot input.  These light touch and holding techniques which are components of FAB Strategies will be described below.

It can be clinically useful to provide extremely irritable children and adolescents who have significant body awareness challenges repeated sensory experiences of the front, back, top and bottom of their bodies. FAB Strategies light touch and holding techniques were developed to provide sensory experiences of the front, back, top and bottom of the body as a foundation for improved body awareness and social-emotional skills.  In addition to the light touch and holding strategies the awareness of the front, back, top and bottom of the bottom is practiced through several FAB Strategies deep pressure touch and mindful movement activities.

Vibration to the Back, Arms, & Body provide light touch input.  Vibration can also be applied to various body parts with eyes open and closed, to increase body awareness by having clients identify each body part as it is touched (e.g., arm, left ankle).  Light touch can also be provided through the Rolling the arm strategy.  The therapist rolls the arm in a palm open, thumb lateral direction providing relaxation.

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The Back X involves drawing an X across the back with your fist, while the Spine crawlinvolves moving up the spine to give awareness of the back. The Back X and Spine Crawl can be done as part of the X Marks the spot light touch game


The Head Crown involves 10 second holding on the head, first on both sides then on the front and back of the head.


Foot input involves massage and holding of the feet to provide improved sensory awareness of the feet as the foundation and bottom of the body.  Foot input can be followed by stretching exercises to help decrease the likelihood of habitual toe walking.  Light touch and holding strategies are a valuable intervention to improve attention, body orientation and social-emotional skills through interpersonal touch.  Light touch and holding can also decrease stress, pain, and provide comfort when more intense massage is contraindicated.


Beider, S., Mahrer, N. E., Gold, J. I. (2007). Pediatric massage therapy: An overview for clinicians. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 54(6), 1025-1041.

Bjornsdotter, M., Loken, L., Olausson, H.., Valbo, A., & Wessberg, J. (2009). Somatotopic organization of gentle touch processing in the posterior insular cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(29) 9314-9320.

Koester, C. (2012). Movement based learning for children of all abilities. Reno, NV: Movement Based Learning Inc.

McGlone, F., Wessberg, J., & Olausson, H. (2014). Discriminative and affective touch: Sensing and feeling. Neuron, 82(4), 737-755.

Perini, I., & Olausson, H. (2015). Seeking pleasant touch: Neural correlates of behavioral preferences for skin stroking. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9.

John is teaching his course in 2016 with Education Resources:
Effectively Treat Behavior in Children: Traumatic Brain Injury, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing, Cognitive Limitations, PTSD, & Other Challenges

May 13-14, 2016 – Millbrook, NY
October 21-22, 2016 – Washington, DC
November 11-12, 2016 – John City, NY
December 2-3, 2016 – Dallas, TX


Vestibular Rehabilitation Online – Wonderful Testimonial

I just had to share this wonderful testimonial we recently received from a therapist who took Richard Clendaniel’s Online Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation course

“I heard the master of vestibular rehab. speak right from the comfort of my home, what could be better when live courses may not be immediately feasible”.

This echoes many other testimonials  we receive! And we love getting them 🙂 


Therapies in the School 2015 – Another Outstanding Success

A SOLD OUT conference this year attracted over 300 therapists from across the country, Canada and a therapist from Guam! 

Therapies in teh School 2015 Education Resources

The enthusiasm and passion was evident from all as they settled in to hear speaker Doreit Bialer, OT  give an inspiring presentation, highlighting new intervention approaches to help prevent meltdowns and frustrations with sensory and motor challenges and Barbara Hodge, PT talk about gaining postural control for successful participation in school.

[caption id="attachment_2922" align="alignright" width="129"]Barbara Hodge presenting at Therapies in the School Barbara Hodge[/caption]

The afternoon sessions gave so much more food for thought and techniques and treatment interventions to take away.

The second day got off to a lively start with John Pagano, OT, PhD,  showing us how school therapists have an important role in improving mental health and reducing school aggression. Johns passion and commitment was so evident, and everyone came away wanting more!

All the therapists were able to network during a luncheon, and coffee breaks, learning how  systems are implemented within other school districts.

[caption id="attachment_2923" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Networking at One of The Breaks Networking at One of The Breaks[/caption]

We from the Education Resources team certainly enjoyed reconnecting with many therapists returning from previous years and enjoyed meeting so many new participants. Thank you to all for making this year’s conference such an outstanding success, and we hope that you were all invigorated on returning to school on Monday morning!

Planning for the 2016 conference is under way and as always we would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.




2016 CEU courses from Education Resources

2016 CEUs with Education ResourcesWe are pleased to announce our 2016 schedule of continuing education courses.

We listened to your suggestions and requests and we are excited to offer many new speakers, with new titles and content.

Please click here to search for courses that are relevant and of interest to you

You will be able to search by field of interest,  by date and by location.

We will continue to post venues as they become confirmed. So please check back regularly

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2016 Continuing Education Courses for Texas Therapists

Education Resources inc CEU courses in TexasLet Us Help You Grow Professionally!

EDUCATION RESOURCES is committed to ensuring class participants learn effective techniques and critical problem solving skills that can be immediately applied to the work setting.

Education Resources provides continuing education that can truly make a difference for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapists Assistants, and Speech Language Pathologists and their patients.

Our distinguished and world renowned faculty are leaders in their field, and provide clinically relevant, evidence based, dynamic and engaging CEU courses.

Education Resources is a Texas Physical Therapy Association accredited provider for Texas PT CCU’s, and is an approved provider of continuing education by the American Occupational Therapy Association. Applications are made to ASHA.

Please Click Here To Download our Texas Brochure

Please click here for a listing of upcoming courses in 2016, full course information, dates, venues, CEU information and registration details.
