Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation Online Courses

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new complete Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation online series.

These evidence-based online courses from international expert 
RICHARD CLENDANIEL, PT, PhD are recorded live at this Vestibular Series and include downloadable handouts and access for an entire year.


Advanced BPPV
 This 3 hour lab course will focus on differential diagnosis, advanced assessment and techniques for treatment of patients with vertigo from BPPV.

 Cervicogenic Dizziness: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment 
This 5 hour course will focus on the assessment and treatment of cervicogenic dizziness, one cause of vertigo, and how to distinguish it from central vestibular deficits. 

What to Do When It’s Not BPPV: 
Challenging Vestibular Disorders Including Post-Concussion Syndrome
This 3 hour interactive course will focus on the assessment and treatment of patients with vertigo and disequilibrium from unusual vestibular causes. Course participants will distinguish among causes of dizziness such as Concussion, Chronic Subjective Dizziness (Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness), Anxiety, Superior Canal Dehiscence, Fistula, Migraine, and Meniere’s Disease. 

Register for the complete online series for $309
Register within two weeks of attending a live course to get a discounted rate of 
$265 (save $94 – limited time offer) 
Register for individual sessions

Recommended for individuals who have experience with or who have previously taken a two day course in vestibular rehabilitation. Please visit our FAQ Page and CEU Page  for more information   Education Resources online courses are the next best thing to attending live:

  • Engaging CEU’s on demand
  • Learn at your convenience – access the courses for a full year
  • Advance your skills
  • Expand your knowledge
  • Learn from leading experts


Concussion Management in your Area?


How are concussions being dealt with where you are?

Last year, my best friend’s son was catching in a little league game when he was hit in the head with a pitch. The helmet did its job and withstood the brunt of the force of the ball. Nevertheless, he was left with a mild concussion. His parents were given a rigid, structured program to help him rehab from the concussion. It included almost a week of complete physical and cognitive rest, followed by a gradual return to prior level of activity. If a headache recurred, he was to take a step back to the previous one. Within a few weeks, he was back to his prior level, with no residual complications (other than a mother who was reluctant to have him catch again).

Conversely, an acquaintance suffered a concussion this past year after being struck in the head (with something that had much less velocity than a baseball). She was out of work for a few days, and then returned. She was on the computer much of the time while out of work. Headaches plagued her, requiring multiple trips to the doctor and specialists over the course of months.

Thanks to researchers at my alma mater, Boston University, concussions and post-concussive syndrome are much more widely talked about these days. Post-concussion symptoms can last for three to six months after injury, and in about 10% of concussions, the injury is considered to be a traumatic brain injury. With professional football players retiring after a short career, the seriousness of concussions and post-concussive syndrome can no longer be ignored. Most coaches are now on board with not allowing players who have suffered a concussion to return in the same game.

Initially, concussions often present with headaches, neck pain, vertigo, mental sluggishness/confusion, and social-emotional disturbances. Concussions can have lasting vestibular, ocular-motor, sensory integration, balance, and visual motor implications. As therapists, we are seeing more patients across all settings who may present with concussions. Interestingly, the severity of the concussion is not a reliable predictor for who will present with lasting symptoms.

While the recognition and treatment protocol for concussions and post-concussive syndrome has gained some momentum, there is still much to be learned in terms of prevention, treatment, and long-term implications.

Please share your experiences in dealing with post concussion syndrome.  Who is your referral source?   Any helpful tips on screening, management and follow-up?  

~Kathryn Biel, PT, DPT


FREE APP Found Helpful in Vestibular Rehab

As one of the founders of Education Resources, I often have the opportunity to attend one of the conferences that I have helped to develop and it is always a treat ( both from the perspective of learning new and exciting material, and meeting with participants and hearing the day to day challenges faced in the clinic, school or office) .  This past weekend I had the privilege of attending Dr. Rick Clendaniel’s Advanced Vestibular Rehab course.  Rick has been a colleague, professional friend and inspiration for nearly 15 years and his easy manner of clearly explaining very complex material is always  so refreshing and energizing.

It was really interesting to learn about some of the newer diagnoses/research related to vestibular dysfunction such as PPPD (persistent postural perceptual dizziness), vestibular migraines and anxiety related vestibular disorders. BUT what I especially want to share in this blog is a free app that Rick shared with us in this course.  You should download it today!

aVOR  (angular Vestibular-Ocular Reflex) is a teaching, training and test tool for the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), vestibular system and its disorders, including BPPV. It demonstrates saccadic eye movements, including those caused by canalithiasis (free-floating particles in the canals), and both functioning and dysfunctional VOR. It shows how BPPV is caused and treated.

aVOR demonstrates how head movement has an automatic influence on eye direction, the impact of dysfunction of the semicircular canals, their size, shape and location in the head, and the causes of nystagmus. 

VEstibular Rehabilitation APPThis is a great teaching tool for patients of all ages and it is a great 3 D representation for clinicians who are learning the ropes of vestibular diagnosis.

I invite you to share any other tools that you have found helpful or to comment on your experience in using aVOR.

Rick also shared his thoughts on some very complex cases that were presented  and engaged us in critical problem-solving.  If you are dealing with challenging cases, please post them here and we will reach out to colleagues  for suggestions and discussion. 

Thank you.
Carol Loria, President, Education Resources Inc.


Announcing Our New Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation Series of Online Courses

Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation Online CoursesAs a loyal member of our Vestibular Discussion group we wanted you to be the first to learn about the launch of our NEW Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation online series.

Our new Cerviocogenic Dizziness online course is proving to be popular and we are excited to add two more sessions to complete the series, filmed live and taught by internationally respected expert,
Dr. Richard Clendaniel


Hone your differential diagnosis skills at your convenience!

Advanced BPPV 
This 3 hour lab course will focus on differential diagnosis, advanced assessment and techniques for treatment of patients with vertigo from BPPV

Cervicogenic Dizziness:
Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
This 5 hour course will focus on the assessment and treatment of cervicogenic dizziness, one cause of vertigo, and how to distinguish it from central vestibular deficits.

What to Do When It’s Not BPPV:
Challenging Vestibular Disorders Including Post-Concussion Syndrome
 This 3 hour interactive course will focus on the assessment and treatment of patients with vertigo and disequilibrium from unusual vestibular causes. Course participants will distinguish among causes of dizziness such as Concussion, Chronic Subjective Dizziness (Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness), Anxiety, Superior Canal Dehiscence, Fistula, Migraine, and Meniere’s Disease.

Register for the complete online series for $309
Add complete series to a live course registration to get a discounted rate of

$265 (save total $94)
Register for individual sessions
Includes downloadable handouts & access for an entire year

 Recommended for individuals who have experience with or who have previously taken a two day course in vestibular rehabilitation

Please Visit our FAQ Page to Learn More


Education Resources is Thrilled to Welcome Valorie Todd, Pediatric Occupational Therapist to our Faculty

Valorie Todd Valorie Todd[/caption]

We are all very excited to welcome Valorie back to the ERI faculty.

Valorie Todd, MA, OTR is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist who has worked in early intervention, preschool, and various school systems in NY and NJ over the past 35 years. She has taught Occupational therapy at Mercy College as well as in the Interdisciplinary Studies Dept. at Rutgers University.  She has provided continuing education programs for over 10 years through Education Resources, Inc. as well as the NYC and Los Angeles Departments of Education, by their invitation.  Her area of interest has long been on vision and perception and their effects on visual perceptual and visual motor assessments, as well as on classroom skills, especially handwriting. In terms of intervention, she has focused on developing a framework based on vision and learning strategies, while also incorporating principles of sensory integration and motor learning. She especially enjoys linking theory to practice and helps participants realize the importance of being able to describe the theoretical approaches they are using, how they work, and what else to consider when they no longer do so.

“Valorie was great! Fast, succinct, informed, knowledgable….. I have lots of thoughts about how to alter/modify my treatments” Teresa, DPT

“Valorie Todd is an unbelievable source of visual learning and her knowledge base keeps expanding, so see her more than once!” – Adrienne, OT

“Valorie held me captivated from beginning to end. I am totally excited to go back and begin to utilize not only her clinical strategies but her concept of helping us touch the students how to help themselves. I am taking away so much more than I expected from this workshop……..Thank you” Bryan, OT

Valorie’s Upcoming Courses:

Vision, Visual Perceptual and Visual Motor Skills: Assessment and Intervention for Children
August 28-29, 2015 – Puyallup, WA
October 16-17, 2015 – TBA
