Vestibular Rehab Series Now Available Online from Education Resources Inc.

Vestibular RehabilitationEducation Resources, a leading provider of evidence-based continuing education, is thrilled to announce the launch of its new vestibular rehabilitation online course series.

The first offering in the series,

Vestibular Rehabilitation: Cervicogenic Dizziness 



is recorded live from international vestibular expert Dr. Richard Clendaniel’s highly acclaimed Evaluation and Management of Individuals with Dizziness and Balance Disorders course, and is now available. 

This 5 hour course will focus on the assessment and treatment of one cause of vertigo, cervicogenic dizziness, and how to distinguish it from central vestibular deficits.  Through lecture, case studies, demonstrations and extensive directed lab practice, participants will enhance their skills in vestibular rehabilitation. It is recommended for individuals who have experience with or who have previously taken a two day course in vestibular rehabilitation. 

$159 for 5 CEU hours 

Education Resources online courses are the next best thing to attending live:

  • Engaging CEU’s on demand
  • Learn at your convenience – access the courses for a full year
  • Advance your skills
  • Expand your knowledge
  • Learn from leading experts

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Therapies in the School Speaker Highlight – Cathy Stern


As the annual Therapies in the School Conference draws near we would like to highlight one of the dynamic speakers and the session she is presenting:

Dr. Cathy D. Stern OD, FCDO, FCOVD, FNORA  is known for “treating the visual side of learning”. She provides developmental, behavioral and neuro-optometric rehabilitation in private practice and as a consultant at the Massachusetts Hospital School. Dr,. Stern is She received her Doctor of Optometry degree from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in 1980. She is a developmental and behavioral optometrist with specialized training in learning-related vision problems, vision rehabilitation, computer vision syndrome and sports vision strength training.

She has extensive experience working with children and adults with learning problems, add/adhd, non-verbal learning disability, cerebral palsy, autism and the multiply challenged. She also is involved with vision rehabilitation following head trauma and stroke. Dr. Stern has presented workshops and seminars for physicians, teachers, psychologists, occupational, physical, speech therapists and other professionals who work with special populations.

She is a Fellow in the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (FCOVD) and the College of Syntonic Optometry (FCSO). She is also trained in Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation. Dr. Stern is State Director of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, Vice President of the College of Syntonic Optometry and Massachusetts Keyperson for the American Optometric Association Sports Vision Section. The Massachusetts Society of Optometrists recently recognized her as a leader in vision therapy.


Visual Thinking: A New Paradigm to Maximize Success with School-Based Therapies
Visual Thinking involves seeing clearly and processing visual information in the brain for accurate motor action. We will demonstrate techniques to help a student better use visual thinking for reading, writing, math, attention, memory and sports.

Cathy is presenting this session with Donna McCrorey OTR/L an Occupational Therapist at the Massachusetts Hospital School for over twelve years where she specializes in the care of children with multiple disabilities including: cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, head injuries and other rare genetic conditions. 

Please click here for more information, to download a brochure or to register




New Appointment for Distinguished Faculty Member Richard Clendaniel


Richard Clendaniel, PT, PhD

Richard Clendaniel, PT, PhD

Education Resources is pleased to announce that our acclaimed faculty member Richard Clendaniel, PT, Ph.D., has just been appointed to the Medical Advisory Board for VEDA; Vestibular Disorders Association

Richard is an assistant professor in the Department of Community & Family Medicine, Doctor of Physical Therapy Division, Duke University Medical Center. He received his MS in Physical Therapy from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He was a clinician and faculty member at UAB for several years before receiving his Ph.D., in Behavioral Neuroscience (Department of Psychology) from UAB. He completed a two year post-doctoral fellowship in neuro-otology with Susan Herdman, Ph.D., PT. Prior to joining the faculty at Duke, he was on faculty at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology -Head and Neck Surgery, where he was director of the Vestibular Rehabilitation program. He maintains an active practice evaluating and treating patients with vestibular disorders and dizziness. His primary research is in the normal function of the vestibular system and the plasticity of the vestibular system following injury.

We are thrilled to offer Richard’s Courses

Wonderful Testimonial for Acute Care Course

Testimonial from Vivian 
Attendee at Management of Acutely Ill Patients – KY 

“This particular course has given me clarity on how my treatments can profoundly improve my patient’s outcomes. I feel like I now have a voice in the medical field laced with evidence based knowledge and am seeing the immediate positive outcomes! “

Komal Deokule is presenting this course in multiple locations in 2014 and 2015, with some dates yet to be scheduled.

October 17-18, 2014 – Portland, OR
December 5-6, 2014 – East Point, GA
January 24-25, 2015 – Denver, CO
May 29-30, 2015 – Jacksonville, FL

Carmel Valley physical therapist helps people with heart and breathing problems improve quality of life
Click here to read about Komals physical therapy facility designed to help people with heart and breathing troubles improve their mobility and quality of life.


The Affordable Care Act: New Opportunities for Cardiac Rehabilitation in the Workplace?

As cardiovascular health takes on a greater focus under the Affordable Care Act  opportunities for therapists to take on a greater role in this area  will be rapidly expanding.  

The current era of health reform in the United States that has been stimulated by the Affordable Care Act provides an ideal opportunity to reconsider worksite health programs as an essential partner in the health care team.

Are you up-to-date in addressing the latest management of cardiovascular disease and cardiac complications?

We offer relevant CEU courses that will benefit your practice:

Improving Outcomes for the Medically Complex Patient: Acute Care, Home, Rehab, SNF, OPD
Suzanne Clark

Management of Acutely Ill Patients: An Evidence Based Approach from a Cardiopulmonary Perspective
Komal Deokule

Maximizing Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function in Patients to Decrease Re-Admissions and Reach Optimal Outcomes. If You Can’t Breathe Nothing Else Matters
Donna Frownfelter
