Posts Categorized: Webinar

Don’t Miss Exceptional LIVE Webinars Coming This August

woman working on her laptop with headphones on

Summer may be coming to an end, but ERI’s live webinar are going strong! Our CE courses for PTs, OTs, and SLPs are easily accessible from any computer and the skills you learn can be immediately implemented into your practice. Check out what we have in store this August. Space is limited please register soon!… Read more »

ERI’s New LIVE Webinar with Amanda Hall Teaches Orthotic Treatments for the Foot and Ankle

therapist holding a soft platform while a child stands on it

ERI is dedicated to offering exceptional continuing education courses even during these challenging times. Many of our courses are now being offered as LIVE webinars allowing therapists to learn from the safety of home or office. Join Amanda Hall ATP, MSPT, PCS, PT for our newest webinar “Ambulation, Activity, & AFOs:  A Developmental Movement Systems… Read more »

Register for “Primitive Reflexes: Strategies to Promote Integration – Strengthening Foundational Skills” – A Live CE Webinar Coming this September 

happy baby laying on stomach

Are you a pediatric OT or PT who has been searching for a course that provides a clear understanding of evaluating and treating primitive reflexes? ERI has the course for you. Join Janine Wiskind’s new LIVE Webinar “Primitive Reflexes: Strategies to Promote Integration – Strengthening Foundational Skills.”  The virtual course will take place over three… Read more »

ERI’s Therapies in the School Conference is going Virtual – Save the Date November 19-20, 2020

We know that hundreds of you come back year after year to learn from our experts and to inspire and learn from each other.  Recognizing how extraordinary today’s challenges are, we are developing a unique Therapies in the School Conference on the virtual platform. This year’s conference will deliver the same quality you’ve come to… Read more »

Attention NICU Therapists: Registration Open for “Treating Infants and Families in the NICU and Beyond” – a LIVE Webinar with Roberta Gatlin PT, DSc, PCS

Infant in the NICU and beyond with family

Therapists working the NICU will not want to miss this engaging webinar that provides participants tools and strategies to prepare the NICU patient and family for discharge and transition home. Join Board Certified Pediatric Specialist Roberta “Bertie” Gatlin, PT, DSc, PCS and learn to evaluate, identify, and optimize services and care for NICU graduates as… Read more »