Therapies in the School 24th Annual Conference - ON-DEMAND 10

Arsenio Paez, Kristin Jones, Anais Villaluna, Carolyn Dolby, Dana Kizer, Susan Cecere, Josephine Bardabelias, Monica Keen, Kimberly Wynarczuk, Jennifer Elinich, Tanya Myers, AnnMarie Stauffer, Lisa Gradziel, Lori Flynn, Jeryl Benson


March 9, 2025 - Venue TBD

Complete the full 11-session conference for 28.5 Contact Hours (2.85 CEUs). This on-demand course features all sessions recorded both days at Therapies in the School 24th Annual Conference.

From motor learning to mental health, executive functioning to feeding and swallowing, sleep patterns to movement breaks, whether starting or continuing the journey of neurodiversity affirming care, practicing effective decision making and handling tricky IEP decisions, you'll walk away well equipped to better support all of your students and their unique needs.