It Was A Wonderful Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference!

THANK YOU to everyone who attended our Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference on November 17 and 18, 2022! It was our largest conference ever, with more than 400 therapists in virtual attendance on Zoom! We hope you enjoyed the sessions and are already putting to use the new tools and strategies you gained to improve learning outcomes for your students. 

It was so inspiring to watch and join in on the conversations that were taking place within the Whova app, which will remain accessible to you through February, 2023!  And don’t forget, the discussion also continues in our Therapies in the School Discussion Group on Facebook – check it out! 

We really had an amazing speaker line-up this year! Some conference highlights include: 

Why Evaluating and Integrating Reflexes Through Neuroplasticity is Important for Every School-Based Therapist Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, ND, CH, CPRCS
Funny, engaging and full of helpful tools, this session explored why school-based practitioners are ideal therapists to integrate primitive reflexes for progressing development and school success.

Executive Function and Interoception? Using Interoception as a Building Block for Theory of Mind and Executive Function Skills Cara Koscinski, OTD, MOT, OTR/L, CAS
This session discussed regulation and the importance of interoception as a gateway to theory of mind, and how linking both to executive function leads to improved therapeutic outcomes and success in the classroom.

How to Address Vestibular Impairments in the Classroom: Bridging Teachers and Therapists Kay de Veer, M.Ed., ET/P
A deep-dive into how the vestibular system directly supports learning in the elementary school classroom.

Collaborative Evaluation and Goal Development for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Christy Hupka, PT, DPT, PCS and Amy Barr, PT, DPT 
Topics discussed included: Strategies for collaborative evaluation and goal development for students with autism spectrum disorder; a clinical decision-making algorithm designed to standardize and streamline the evaluation process; and a collaborative process using assessment data to develop multi-disciplinary goals to promote participation. 

Once again this year, the amazing Anne Buckley-Reen, OTR, RYT kicked-off Day 2 of the conference with a relaxing, virtual yoga session-it was great to start the day with some movement and mobility!

It was so exciting to engage with many of you on social media during the Conference! Congratulations to our social media contest winners: 

Kinzie Rhoades won a free 2-Day registration to Therapies in the School Conference 24th Annual Conference-2023 for sharing a “clinical pearl” online:
“With patients with low tone only perform short burst vibration and stimulation techniques to ensure you do not numb and dumb them!”

Elsa Oestreich won a free ERI course & Tools to Grow membership for tagging @educationresourcesinc and commenting online during the conference. 

And…there’s still time to earn points for engaging in the Whova app Community Board for a chance to win a $50 Therapro gift certificate (contest ends December 2, 2022). 

We hope that attending Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference has helped to renew your passion for school-based therapy, and has provided you with new tools and strategies that you can use right away to improve learning outcomes for your students.

Stay tuned for access to on-demand recordings of the conference, coming to you soon in early 2023!

And, please save the date for Therapies in the School 24th Annual Conference, set for November 16 and 17, 2023!

Our Gift to You! Save $30 on an ERI CEU Course

We’re spreading a bit of holiday cheer this season!

ERI is excited to announce a new holiday promotion. Beginning on November 28, 2022, therapists can receive a $30 discount when registering for any ERI course. This promo applies to any on-demand, live webinar or in-person CEU course. Upon registration, use the coupon code HOLIDAY2022 at checkout to save. This promotion is valid through January 5, 2023. 

ERI offers a broad range of topics, speakers and formats to meet your continuing education needs. Visit our website to choose from a variety of CEU courses that will help take your practice to the next level, and aid in improving your patients’ lives and outcomes.

Happy holidays to our community of therapists, and a big THANK YOU for all that you do every day to better the lives of your patients!

*Promo code HOLIDAY2022 cannot be combined with other offers. Must be applied at the time of checkout. Questions? Call our office at 800-487-6530 or email 

Announcing Recipients of the Annual ERI Scholarship and Award for School Therapists 2022

Thank you to all who submitted applications for our Annual Scholarship and Award for School-Based Therapists. 

We received many compelling applications and it has proven difficult to chose the winners among the many talented and dedicated candidates.

We are thrilled to announce that Brij Maliya is the recipient of the ERI Creative Therapies Award. Recognizing an individual who has made an extraordinary commitment and outstanding contributions to the practice of school-based therapy by enriching the lives of students through creative solutions.

 Hong Elizabeth Tran receives the ERI Scholarship for New to School-Based Practice, honoring and supporting an emerging leader in the field of school-based therapy

Brij Maliya has over 22 years of experience working in a variety of settings all over the world and is currently working in the Cambridge Public Schools in MA and literally pours his heart, time and energy into the world of school based services in so many ways. 

During the pandemic, our awardee went above and beyond spending a lot of time and personal money to distribute therapy supplies to his clients that were socioeconomically challenged.  He provides  support services to his colleagues, by creating Facebook groups aimed  at providing community forums  where school-based/pediatric clinicians, special educators and related practitioners can gather for interdisciplinary discussion, collaboration and networking.

In addition to the hands-on work he does with his students both here and oversees, our awardee is passionate about advocacy and professional service.  He was an integral part of the team that corrected a discriminatory policy (based on immigration status) in the MA state licensure for qualified overseas license candidates. He was recently elected as an Executive Board Member (Member-At-Large) for the Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy, he is a member of the Alumni Advisory Board, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity Racial Justice (DIERJ) Committee at Tufts University and a Member of the Advisory Board, of the International Chapter All India OT Association.

Hong Elizabeth Tran works with medically involved students and 3-4 year olds in multiple schools and is on the district feeding team in Dallas Texas.  

Her colleagues lauded her saying “she is humble, patient, and willing to do what it takes to strengthen her skills and become the best clinician she can be.  She employs a continuous growth mindset and holds herself to a high moral standard in practice, especially when working with marginalized populations. She is a curious, open-minded learner who will undoubtedly do right by the students and school communities”.  She caters interventions to be client centered and culturally appropriate.  

When asked what her favorite thing about working in the schools is?  She said….”it’s fun to interact with each kid and see their personality and incorporate what they like into therapy.  I hated school when I was younger, so I really enjoy finding ways to engage and inspire the students.  It’s nice to be able to see the work you put in come to life.  For a lot of students, you can see the progress each week and month”.  As you can imagine, her students love to work with her.

CONGRATULATIONS to both Award Recipients. 

They be recognized at the 23rd Annual Therapies in the School Conference November 17-18, 2022 – LIVE WEBINAR

Registrations are still be accepted for the popular 2 day conference

For 23 years, ERI has been committed to renewing your passion for school based therapy and providing you with tools and strategies you can use right away to improve learning outcomes for your students. This year is no different! We are excited to tell you about this year’s Annual Therapies in the School Conference.

By joining us this November, you will remember why you joined the profession, and bring your students new and easily applicable evidence-based tools and strategies as well as new methods to address the continuous COVID-19 related challenges.

ERI Announces International Neonatal Care Scholarship Opportunity

ERI is pleased to share a new, exciting opportunity! Beginning November 3, ERI will be actively seeking nominations for its International Neonatal Care Scholarship award. Nominate yourself or a peer, and tell us specifically why the nominee demonstrates core values of collaboration, integrity, and a passion for improving the lives of the infants and families they serve.

One scholarship will be awarded, and the recipient will receive a FREE webinar/live course/online course offered by ERI. The winner will pick and choose one CEU course that helps to advance their professional needs and contribute to therapy practice in the NICU, PICU, and/or EI settings. 

Here’s the scoop: this international scholarship is open to non-US citizens only, and will run through December 5, 2022. The nominee must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Must be an occupational therapist, physical therapist, or speech-language pathologist.
  • Must currently practice therapy in the NICU, PICU, or EI setting. 
  • Must demonstrate the core values of collaboration, integrity, and a passion for improving the lives of the infants and families they serve.
  • Nominate yourself or a peer!

If you know someone who meets the above criteria, we want to hear from you! Complete the application by December 5, 2022.

The winner will be announced in early December via email notification. We can’t wait to hear from you and best of luck to all who enter!

Questions? Contact our office at or call 800-487-6530.

10 Tips for New Therapists

Like any profession, transitioning from student to new grad clinician can be exciting and challenging for new health care providers. You’ll encounter new changes in your work and personal schedule and find yourself in an unfamiliar environment. 

As a new physical, school-based, speech or occupational therapist (OT), you’ll find yourself with plenty of questions as you navigate your new place of work. Whether you’re leaving the classroom to enter an office, hospital, school or home health services, find advice for new therapists below. 

1. Be Patient With Yourself 

Being patient with yourself is one of the most helpful tips for new occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech-language pathologists and other professionals. Like you would in any new profession, you’ll spend time finding your footing. 

Remember that mistakes happen, but they help you learn and grow as a new health care provider. Examine those mistakes, learn from them and make changes for next time. The field is ever-changing, and there’s always something new to learn. 

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

As a therapist, you’ll learn something new with every patient throughout your entire career. While you may not have the solution to a problem right away, there are plenty of therapists who are happy to share their knowledge. Just ask! 

3. Join Local, State and National Organizations

Another great tip for new physical therapists, school-based therapists and OTs is to join your local, state and national organizations. Often, you’ll gain unique access to research and other essential documents with these memberships. It’s also vital to know your state laws, and joining a trade organization will help with that.

Try checking out the American Occupational Therapy Association for invaluable information and new grad occupational therapy tips. Similarly, the American Physical Therapy Association has excellent resources for new practitioners, as does the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

4. Connect With a Mentor

Having mentorship in your first few years of practice is another new grad physical therapy tip to improve your clinical and professional skills. In fact, it’s a great idea to have a mentor throughout your entire career. Mentors are an excellent source of support as you navigate the health care system and work through both positive and challenging experiences. 

Look for a mentor who poses questions and encourages your growth. Mentors can be in-person, on the phone or even through social media channels. 

5. Stay Organized

As you work with different patients and peers each day, find a system that works with you. Find out how other therapists manage their time to craft your schedule. 

To stay efficient as possible, use calendars to schedule meetings and appointments. You might also create to-do lists and alarms on your phone to make the process even easier. Save contact information from other professionals the first time you meet them. If you create documents for work, save these exact names so they’re easy to locate later. Staying organized and proactive will help you manage your days easier and alleviate any stress.

find out how other therapists manager their time to craft your schedule

6. Document Everything

Ask a peer or mentor for new therapist tips, and they’ll likely tell you that documentation is everything. Documentation is essential for treatment sessions, everyday tasks and conversations. If an incident happens, document it. After a consultation with a teacher or parent, document it. 

You’ll be able to view your patient’s progression more efficiently and show supervisors how you spend your time. Try blocking out time to complete documentation. You’ll find it makes your new job as a therapist much more manageable. 

7. Network With Your Community

 Whether you’re searching for unique fieldwork experience or have already landed a job, networking is beneficial. The communities are close-knit, so knowing more about the person running your local meetings, support groups and local clinics can benefit you immensely.

Keep in touch with your school professors and clinical instructors, as well. Think of these meetings as interviews for a new job — you never know when a practice or school will be seeking a new hire. 

8. Draw a Line Between Your Personal and Professional Life

Creating boundaries between your personal life and career is essential. The transition from student to a new health care provider can be overwhelming as you navigate the changes. Practicing self-care and remembering it is OK to say no to extra work is critical. Creating boundaries will help prevent burnout during your first years, and you’ll be optimistic and refreshed to take on each new day.  

9. Take Advantage of Training Opportunities

Among the many new therapist tips, taking advantage of training opportunities is a key one to follow. You can learn new strategies and techniques to share with others through training. As a school-based therapist, you might build collaborative teams and alliances within your different campuses to share new information. Through ERI, you can even host your own classes or use the information to take your team to the next level. 

10. Advocate for Yourself

It’s important to advocate for your students and especially for yourself. Advocating for yourself as an occupational therapist in a school system can look different. Maybe it’s advocating for the OT staff because you’re behind on treatment sessions. Perhaps you want to push for additional programming at school because you’re noticing a trend of anxiety among students. You might also promote additional training or help on a specific case. Don’t be afraid to be honest about your needs and advocate for yourself every step of the way.  

Continue Your Learning With ERI

Taking that first step after graduation can be overwhelming, but when you follow the right advice, you’ll enjoy a smoother, more rewarding experience. When you’re looking for more resources and education, ERI has you covered. 

ERI was founded by therapists for therapists to provide more value to your career and standard of care. Learn from internationally renowned instructors to advance your career and build relationships with the community. Our courses and live webinars can also help you improve outcomes for your patients and bolster your team’s morale. Whether you take our courses online or in a classroom, our evidence-based modality will inform and inspire you. 

For questions about our program, contact us today. 

continue your learning with ERI