NANT 2023 Recap

Another Amazing NANT Conference in the Books

Photo credit: NANT

April 27, 2023
Marianne Boynton
Director of Client Relations

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the National Association of Neonatal Therapists (NANT) Conference in beautiful Tucson, AZ. It was two days full of meeting with passionate neonatal therapists, listening to the needs and suggestions for future continuing education courses, and talking with leading experts about recent NICU trends. And on top of all the excitement the conference elicits, you can’t beat the stunning backdrop of a setting Tucson sky! 

Shanna Semmler

As a professional partner with NANT, it’s such a privilege to have a dedicated event to converse with this incredibly devoted, passionate group of therapists. Their drive to deliver the highest quality of care for the tiniest population and their families is inspiring, and it’s easy to walk away from this conference reinvigorated and eager to provide this community with the best possible training to further their learning in the neonatal field.  

Marianne Boynton, Kati Knudsen, Robin Glass and Holly Schifsky


Our ERI Faculty 

It was an honor to have some esteemed ERI faculty stop by our exhibit booth and meet and greet with attendees throughout the two days. This gave attendees the opportunity to offer future topic suggestions, confer with leading NICU experts, ask questions, and discuss emerging neonatal topics. Everyone was so warm and welcoming, and I really enjoyed getting the chance to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones! 

Some of the faculty who stopped by included Holly Schifsky, Robin Glass, Lynn Wolf, Shanna Semmler and Katie Knudsen. We can’t thank them enough for generously sharing their time and expertise at the booth – the lines to chat with these experts were deep and we loved hearing all they had to say! 

Anjanette Lee

Did You Know About Our Loyalty Program?

Of course, we had to have some fun with our raffles and giveaways. We made sure everyone got plenty of goodies, and those who visited the booth were entered to win either discounted or free ERI courses (including a special NANT only discount). We had many entrants, so a big congratulations to our raffle winners: Kim Richardson, Kelsey Hales, Jaclyn Rogowski, Bianca Coulson, and Mindy Delaney. Speaking of special offers, did you know that we have a loyalty rewards program? Some examples include group discounts, first time registrant discounts, and even $100 off if you’re registering for your 4th ERI course!

A great way to end the day

And lastly, the weekend wouldn’t be complete without some type of western themed event. After a day filled with meet and greets, education and trainings, attending a Wild West themed dinner full of cowboy hats and boots, and surrounded by Tucson’s beautiful scenery was the perfect way to kick back and relax.

Our Commitment to You

Coming off of NANT13 just inspires us even more to continue to best equip this passionate community with the necessary tools needed to enhance their professional skills. Whether learning on-demand, via live webinar, or at an in-person event, we are dedicated to providing you with unparalleled educational offerings from some of the leading experts in the neonatal field. We are so looking forward to connecting with those we met this weekend and serving this tireless group of therapists so that they may continue to improve the lives of their tiny patients and their families!

Check in with us throughout the year as we continue to add more NICU related courses to our ever-growing library. Questions? Contact us at or call 800-487-6530.

Faculty Highlight During OT Month

Meet Our OT Faculty As We Continue to Celebrate OT Month!

As part of an ongoing series during the month of April to recognize our amazing OT faculty, we’re giving a shoutout to Holly Schifsky, Melissa Gerber, and Dana Kizer

Holly Schifsky, OTR/L, CNT, NTMTC, CBIS has worked with ERI for over 6 years. She has been in pediatrics for the past 26 years with the past 16 years in a level IV NICU. She is a Certified Neonatal Therapist, Certified Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapist, Certified Brain Injury therapist, a member of National Association of Neonatal Therapists, and has completed 6-month mentorship in infant/child NDT.

She has worked within the NICU and NICU follow-up clinic to maximize patient and family outcomes for the most complex premature and medically-fragile term infant. She is the recipient of the National Association of Neonatal Therapists Clinical Excellence award in 2018, due to her clinical expertise and dedication to advancing the therapeutic interventions for NICU infants with cardiopulmonary conditions. Holly will be presenting the following courses and registration is now open:


Melissa Gerber, OTD, OTR/LMelissa Gerber, OTD, OTR/L has been with ERI for the past 6 years. She is a seasoned and respected clinician with extensive experience in pediatrics. She began her career in Adult/Pediatric inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation and acute care. Currently, she has been working for the Great Neck Public Schools for the past 21 years. She is president of 4MYKIDSOT, a private practice where she provides therapy and evaluations.

She is enthusiastic to share her experiences and provide strategies that can be incorporated immediately. She is also affiliated with Puzzle Art Therapy, and enjoys sharing this program. Melissa will be presenting the following courses and registration is now open:


Dana Kizer, OT is one of ERI’s newest faculty members and has a special interest in feeding and sensory processing. She has worked in a variety of pediatric settings including a pediatric hospital, specialty clinic, private practice, and home health. She has presented on feeding therapy and interventions nationally and across virtual platforms. Dana is a published author on the subject of pediatric feeding disorders and currently volunteers her time with Feeding Matters by serving on the Family Advisory Council to help families navigate the complex world of pediatric feeding disorders.

Dana brings a family perspective to her treatments and teaching experiences as her initial experience with feeding therapy occurred when she would accompany her younger brother to his feeding therapy appointments. She has seen first-hand the difference therapy can make in the lives of patients and their families. Dana will be co-presenting the following courses and registration is now open:


Don’t forget about the promotion that we’re running through the month of April for any OT registering for an ERI course…

ERI thanks the OT community for everything they do

Faculty Highlight During OT Month

Meet Our OT Faculty!

In honor of OT month, ERI will be highlighting our amazing OT faculty throughout April. First up for this month, we’re shining a light on two faculty members: Anne Buckley-Reen and Janine Wiskind

 Anne Buckley-Reen has been with ERI since 2005. She has been a practicing pediatric therapist for 30+ years and a pioneer in the use of yoga as a therapeutic modality for the past 16 years. Her work with yoga has been researched, published and cited in numerous journal articles and is the foundation for a researched preparatory program widely used in NYC schools special needs classrooms.

Anne’s most recent course with ERI is entitled Motor Issues in Autism and teaches therapists how to more effectively expand engagement in clients with ASD while answering questions about self-stimulatory behaviors, preservation, and reactive or self-directed behaviors. This course is scheduled for the following dates and registration is now open:


Janine Wiskind Janine Wiskind has been teaching as an ERI faculty member for the past 11 years. As a pediatric occupational therapist, beginning her career in brain injury, Janine cultivated her specific concentration in vision, which has, in turn, led her to specialize in primitive reflex integration. Working for inpatient rehab, outpatient, home health, the school system, and now within her own clinic has provided Janine with an extensive opportunity to work with a variety of pediatric populations and has led to her diverse array of expertise. 

Janine’s most recent course with ERI is entitled Primitive Reflexes: Strategies to Promote Integration – Strengthening Foundational Skills and teaches therapists how to effectively evaluate primitive reflexes and utilize a functional and play-based approach to primitive reflex integration. This course is scheduled for the following dates and registration is now open:


Don’t forget about the promotion that we’re running through the month of April for any OT registering for an ERI course…

ERI thanks the OT community for everything they do


Now Available! Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference – ON-DEMAND 9!

Offering up to 31 Continuing Education Hours!

Includes the popular, complimentary bonus session: Creative Approaches using RTI (Response to Intervention) to Support Students While Reducing the Need for Referrals – presented by Kareen Robbins, MS OTR/L

We are thrilled to announce the release of brand NEW, school-based practice specific content to help you navigate the issues you’re encountering with your students every day: Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference – ON-DEMAND 9.

Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference – ON-DEMAND 9 is a collection of 13 sessions recorded at our annual 2-day virtual conference for school-based therapists held in November, 2022. Don’t miss this CEU learning opportunity that will invigorate your practice with easily applicable tools and evidence-based interventions!

You’ll learn lots of new information from our school-based practice expert faculty:

Susan Cecere, MHS, PT Amy Lewis, OTR/L Cara Koscinski, OTD, OTR/L
Christy Hupka, PT, DPT, PCS Amy Barr, PT, DPT

Karen Pryor, DPT, PhD, PT
and others!

Browse this year’s line-up of 13 sessions and learn more about each course. You can earn up to 31 CEU hours that appeal to different disciplines (PT, OT, SLP and special educators), spanning many areas of practice: executive function; sensory based strategies; interoception; addressing reflexes through neuroplasticity; trauma informed care and more. Plus, there are plenty of specialty topics: improving learning outcomes for students with vestibular impairments; improving learning outcomes for medically complex students and much more. Download the Brochure for complete details. 

Here’s what other therapists have said about our 2022 virtual conference: 

Two days jammed packed with new information and strategies. A must for all school-based therapists. – Kristie S. 


This conference always brings great speakers and current info that is easy to bring home and practice immediately. I plan to return again next year! –  Kathleen T.


I learned a great deal of information relevant to physical therapists in the school setting. Many times physical therapists work alone in districts and do not have others to learn from or share ideas. This confirmed many of the methods I am using are being utilized by others in the field and also taught me new strategies to add to my practice. – Tonya H.

Grab your colleagues and learn together on your next in-service day! Together, you’re sure to enjoy inspired, thought-provoking conversations as you learn new information from leading experts in the field that you can put to use in your practice immediately. You can also join our Therapies in the School Discussion Group on Facebook – to ask questions or share knowledge with other therapists. 

Register now and save!

You can purchase the ENTIRE 2-DAY SERIES, just Day 1 or just Day 2, it’s up to you! Once you purchase, you will have access to the courses and downloadable hand-outs from our instructors for an entire year. Each session can be viewed separately-whenever it’s convenient for you!

SAVE $100 when you purchase Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference – On-Demand 9 before May 31, 2023 (2-Day series only). Use coupon code THERAPIES9 at checkout.

Group rates are available: $129/person up to 9 additional participants [CEU certificates] when you purchase one 2-Day series/$749. OR $79/person up to 9 additional participants [CEU certificates] when you purchase a 1-Day option/$499. Please share this offer with your colleagues and staff!  

Questions or want to register a group? Please contact ERI at or call 800-487-6530.

ERI Celebrates Occupational Therapy Month!

April is Occupational Therapy Month 

While we think OTs and OTAs deserve gratitude year-round, we love shining a special spotlight on occupational therapists during the month of April. This profession works tirelessly to help restore or improve the ability of patients across the lifespan, and works in a variety of settings including hospitals, schools and outpatient clinics. 

During OT Month, ERI is excited to highlight the vitally important work of OTs and OTAs. With over 200,000 occupational therapists in this country, this profession continues to impact the lives of people by enabling them to participate in the activities of everyday life. THANK YOU for all you do!

Meeting Your Specific OT Needs

Occupational therapists strive to help patients conquer their goals, and experience a life without limitations. ERI wants to honor that hard work by providing OTs with the tools and education they need in order to enable their patients to live their lives to the fullest. 

Whether you’re just starting out in your career as an OT, or you’re a seasoned veteran, ERI provides a range of professional development resources to help you create fuller lives for your patients and their families. By investing in a CEU course—either on-demand, in-person or live webinar—you can expect to expand your skill set and learn techniques to better support patients and their specific needs. 

Celebrating All Month Long…

Follow us as we continue to celebrate OTs all month long. We’ll be running a special OT promotion, feature our OT faculty members, and continue to spread the word of this profession’s value and how it changes lives. Stay tuned for more!


Have a question? Please reach out to us: or call 800-487-6530.